The purpose of this poll is to improve User Experience with Anki and explore features. I think the best way to learn how to learn how to use Anki is to need that feature.
- Current Anki user
- Former Anki user
- Have a plan to use Anki
0 voters
Anki deck creation
- Get shared deck
- Import *.apkg from other than Anki’s official website
- Import *.txt, *.csv, *.tsv
- Create deck using Anki desktop application / smartphone application
- Create deck using Spreadsheet
- Create deck using scripts / programming
- Change note types
- Tagging
- Filtered deck
- Custom study session
- Other
0 voters
Anki creation part 2: Formatting
- Default settings
- Textbox / type-in
- Pictures
- Autoplay sounds
- Not-autoplay sounds
- Multiple card types
- HTML/CSS formatting
- JavaScript
- Custom fonts
- Other
0 voters
Anki reviewing
- Default settings only
- Enable whiteboard, use stylus
- Enable whiteboard, use finger
- Sometimes use default settings
- Custom number of lessons per day
- Custom number of reviews per day
- Multiple reviews (of the same item) per day
- Custom step on new lessons
- Custom step on reviews
- Other
0 voters
Anki-using platform
- Desktop only (Windows)
- Desktop only (Mac)
- Desktop only (Others, e.g. Linux)
- Desktop version sometimes
- AnkiMobile on iOS (iPhone, iPad)
- AnkiDroid on smartphone
- AnkiDroid on tablet
0 voters
Anki (frequently-made) mistakes / serious mistakes
- Bugs especially that cannot be killed
- Messed up syncing
- Messed up importing
- Messed up deck creation
- Messed up “Rebuild deck” (in filtered deck / custom study session)
- Other
0 voters
Do you like or hate Anki? (This one is private, and will not show names.)
- More than like (love)
- Like
- Neutral
- Mixed feeling
- Hate
0 voters
If you don’t know how to use Anki, I can teach you as much as I can.
Some of my recommendations
- Proper Japanese font
- Kanji Stroke Order font
- Internal Japanese IME (wanakana.js Javascript or variant, wanakata.js) with textbox input {{type:field}}
- AnkiDroid with stylus input, Enable whiteboard
- Core 10k breakdown
- I forgot to put in poll on “Custom Note Type” creation
Some tutorials