Payment in Southeast Asian Countries

Hi, I’m a new user and soon will finished my lv3.
Since I live in southeast asian country (in indonesia), I’m finding it hard to process the payment. At first, I thought that grabpay will be ok, but it turns out grabpay only available for singapore and malaysia.
Also, I checked the available app in the link that wanikani provided, but it turns out that I cant even use google pay in my country :')))

Since I’m moving to Japan next month, is it alright if i use the payment that only available in japan (like konbini and jcb ig(?)). And is there any restriction for my account? *Since I made the account in indonesia

*Note: i dont like using card as payment method


Ask WaniKani team @mods. You can also try email


Tysm!!:sob::face_holding_back_tears: I’ll try ask them

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yeah! to mail them is the best solution!

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Tysm😭 hope they can give best solution

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probably mods here are very kind :yum:

Hi @Qq_13! As others mentioned, could you email us with the above info at We’ll take a look!

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