So, my experience with WaniKani has been very positive so far. Because of the accessibility of the website and the amount of free time I have at the moment, Ive been learning more kanji more quickly then I ever have before and I’m really starting to see the benefits in reading. But I want to call attention to something that I feel has been holding me back.
My overall study strategy so far has been:
- Do new lessons when I have time for at least the first two reviews and space in my pile.
- Do lessons in seperated chunks. So if I have 60 lessons to do. I might do 20 lessons, wait an hour then do 20 more. Then wait another hour to do the last 20.
- Try to keep the amount of Apprentice items below 100 and never have more than 130 in my pile.
- Try to do reviews as soon as they’re available
These rules aren’t that strange I don’t think, Ive seen similar recommendations in other threads. Its that 3rd rule that I think has been causing me problems though. You need to keep your apprentice items in control in order to keep your reviews under control. Otherwise youll start to get ridiculous amounts of reviews per day and not be able to keep up. But the problem is now I obsess over my apprentice count a bit too much.
In a normal level you might get like 80 to 100 new lessons immediatly. And combined with the vocab from last level you probably havent gotten through, you can’t get through all of these new lessons. But the actual amount you can take on is also controlled by the amount of previously guru’d items you’ve gotten wrong. I call these items clams (because to me a leech would be an item I get wrong over and over again. While a clam might only go wrong once. They clam up your apprentice pile). If you have 40 clams and 40 vocab from last level then how many new lessons can you take on. Only 20 which might not even get you to the new radicals.
The upshot of this is I’ve gotten really scared of getting Guru 1 and Guru 2 material in reviews since if I get them wrong they go right back to apprentice and might prevent me from taking new material later. That means that everytime I see old material or large review sections I’m more likely to put them off or I’m more likely to cheat. It feels like the punishment on these reviews is so much harsher than every other kind of review especially cause being in apprentice 4 means theyll stick around for what feels like forever. It also means I often end every review session staring at wkstats trying to figure out when material will get out of the pile and give me more space. I sometimes wish to see the ever beautiful 0 apprentice items once more. This doesnt seem healthy to me.
I feel like other people have got to also have felt their apprentice count looming over their heads before. If anyone has some advice about how to handle guru reviews better or better study strategies, I would love to hear them. Keep in mind I do my reviews on mobile so I dont have access to user extensions, as much as I really want a typo correction mod.