Yeah, no, not really. But hopefully this will be useful to others.
I’ve been browsing through the NHK News Easy site, but there’s constantly been Kanji that I don’t know, so I’ve decided to try something a bit different.
I’m going to start finding small articles and looking up the levels of the Kanji on WK and post them here. That way I can start to determine a very rough average of what level we need to be to read at least most of an article on the site.
So the first one I decided to try didn’t have any Kanji that weren’t covered in WK, but there was a Level 60 included. Next highest level was 50, then 49, a couple at 36, then 21, 17, and the rest were 15 or below.
So what I’ll do is:
- Suggest a WK level for attempting to read the text based on the average level of the Kanji
- Paste the text here without furigana
- Post the link to the original article
- List any words that are made with Kanji from WK, but don’t actually show up as a vocabulary word with Kanji Level, Reading, and Meaning
- List the Kanji that are higher than the suggested WK reading level with Level, Reading, and Meaning
When I’m posting the meanings of the kanji, I will only be listing the base forms of verbs and adjectives, as I’m not confident enough in my grammar abilities to make sure my translations are accurate.
Once I have a few of them done (no idea how often I’ll post them) I’ll link to them in the OP.
So here’s the first one:
Suggested Reading Level: 15+
[5月28日 12時00分]
Kanji Covered but Not Included in WK Vocabulary List:
Level 1, 5, 9: 山形県 - やまがたけん - Yamagata Prefecture
Level 2: 田んぼ - たんぼ - Paddy field; Farm
Level 2, 15: 手伝い - てつだい - Helper
Level 10, 7: 農家 - のうか - Farmhouse
Level 49, 21, 7: 鶴岡市 - つるおかし - Tsuruoka (city)
Kanji Above Level 15:
Level 17: 薬 - くすり - Medicine
Level 36: 幅 - はば - Width
Level 36: 将来 - しょうらい - Future
Level 49, 21, 7: 鶴岡市 - つるおかし - Tsuruoka (city)
Level 50: 邪魔 - じゃま - Hindrance
Level 60: 濁る - にごる - To become muddy
Let me know if you notice any errors.
Also feel free to use this thread to post your attempts at a translation of the text or ask any questions about translations. My grammar is terrible, but someone else may be able to help! ^ _ ^
If you attempt to read it, let me know how you went!