This penguin is so shiny and cute
You’re right. I’ve never seen leeches as a big problem by now, but looking to the numbers they are pretty high.
During my evening reviews session I’ve been able to reduce by 6 my leeches count, so I think it’s a doable task to reduce them even more. I’ll try to keep an eye on them and not let grow without control.
You can use leech training scripts if you want, I think all of them are in the API Thread, looking at your number, I’d say that you are adding somewhere around 100 additional daily reviews only due to leeches. That’s why it would help you tremendously to reduce them. Good luck, it’s not a simple road but I think a healthier one!
@Redglare @Lids Congrats on the level-up!
Thank you! I was a few hours late cuz I was busy and on mobile, and the 6 kanji I needed just DIDNT SHO W UP.
But I’m happy now C:
Welcome! Yeah, come on over to my thread too! We’ve got a couple of people who are just starting WK.
Because I’m apparently not good at copy-paste, some of the formulas in my spreadsheet were buggy (Depending on how many fields you used, calculations were off by 0-3 levels)
Fixed everything, so if someone out there is still using it, you should get the updated version.
I used dots and skipped around 2388 years, looks like an appropriate time to reach lvl 60 on the so-called “fast levels”.
It recognizes 7.5 as a date, not a number, so I wouldn’t even know how to fix that :'D
I could make the disclaimer even bigger though
you should put a pre-emptive script function before computing that detects if one put a date instead of a number and either errors out or replace the dot by a comma . I’m no excel expert but I can do it in python
There is a function to remove the auto format which I could then use the replace function on to replace . with , and then turn the string into a number again.
Or you could stop trying to break my thingies D:
I was a QA analyst in another life, I love to find ways to break things
I updated the list for the people who have forgotten to edit their new lvl
For all 157 people?
No, I just checked for the ones who had not filled in team or speed, and were still the same lvl as when they joined. I assumed they forgot about this list ¯_(ツ)_/¯
… or have been WaniKani-ing behind our backs >.>
Thanks a bunch! So I guess some of them are still active just not on the forums or this thread ()
I’ll send my penguin yakuza @ them to get them to update their speed and teams
Goal for this summer: no more blank spaces in the table
I will be slowing down a bit once I reach 27 or 28.
Oh, oh, oh can we have a statistic on levels gained on average by teams?
I’ll be slowing down in August so the list will be pretty different in a few months
( @GrumpyPanda @SuperSnoopy i feel like you’ll sneak in there soon)
@pensei I finally put in my average speed, happy now? I’m not. D: