Olympians (medalists announced - congrats everyone!)

You might be better served joining with Race to 60! December 2020 JLPT instead. Their deadline is about three months later.
At this point you’d have to be faster than 8days/level in average, which is pretty tough for most people unless you have some previous experience with WaniKani/Japanese (Because life happens)

Of course you’re still welcome to join, just wanting to make sure you’re not unknowingly trying to bite of more than you can chew :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

@pensei at what point are we going to filter out people that seemingly have dropped out? (and aren’t participating in the thread, those we’d be hunting down with sticks of course)
Seems already like there are some new WaniKani users that didn’t stick around (Not making progress in >2 weeks)
Any ideas how we want to handle those? Maybe I should be tagging the leaderboard police instead @avalia @FennelFox :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: