As @Leebo said, this is a pretty common usage for that word. In my experience it’s the Japanese way of casually saying “Man I hate ______”, as 大嫌い tends to have a pretty strong and absolute connotation that can reflect poorly on your personality depending on context and relationship with the person you say it to.
Also wanted to add another one I remembered from another thread. 匂い, 臭い, and 香り
匂い = A smell. Could be good (いい匂い!), neutral, or bad depending on context.
臭い = a bad smell (can also be read くさい as an adjective), typically used in writing to specify that the smell is unpleasant
香り = Aroma, a good smell. Also the first half of 香水, or perfume, to make it easier to imagine.
Didn’t realize you’d gotten married, congrats!