Nuance Index

I was talking with a friend the other day and was explaining the difference between 燃える・燃やす and 焦げる・焦がす since in English they can both just be “to burn”.
燃える is more like to burn up in flames, to be set ablaze. The flames are usually important (but not 100% required).
焦げる is for when something (very often food, almost exclusively in my experience) burns or chars, but the emphasis is on the charred aspect rather than the flaming aspect.
【焦げる】 と 【焼ける】 と 【燃える】 はどう違いますか? | HiNative (The example in this answer gave me a good chuckle)

I tend to have these kinds of conversations pretty frequently, so I’ll try to remember to come here and add examples when I can.