Hiya! I’ve been gone a few months so if this has already been mentioned ignore me. I didn’t see it in the announcements, others wouldn’t know about the improvements unless they reset, and newbies wouldn’t know the difference.
I bought the lifetime and decided to reset back to level 1. Along with my reset was the new, new user experience.
- Before I could even see look at the dashboard, this popped up. No more guessing where to go first thing.
- After my lesson I got this. Nice to let people know the default 5 lessons aren’t all they can do immediately.
- With every refresh of the dashboard, this pops up with the time remaining. Every. Refresh. Noice. Impatient “how-much-longer” people beware!
- CHECKLIST BANNER IS GONE!!! There is now a link to the FAQ. If only people would actually read it. smh
Thank You WK Team!
PS: I'm loving the dashboard progress bars but I've already read those threads.