New Recent Mistakes Dashboard Component

I like it how this announcement is made with zero reference to the summary page (and the countless threads asking for it back) and it’s left up to us to wonder and debate if this is now what we’ve been asking for for the past six months or not.


So far I do like this feature.

Also I may as well contribute my opinion on this feature here while I’m a it: I think that it’s a good addition but for me the most useful part of the summary page was to look at stuff I actually got right but wanted to review a bit more thoroughly because I felt unsure/lucky. Sometimes I also get confused if two words with very similar meanings come up during the same session for instance, the summary page lets me double-check all that, compare and contrast.

Items I actually got wrong will come back soon through SRS anyway, so I rarely spend much time dwelling on these mistakes. I also never use the “extra-study” feature for the same reason, I let the SRS work its magic.

Fortunately I can just keep using Smouldering Durtles that still has a full summary after every session.


As a user who has never used the summary page, I gotta say, I don’t feel anything is missing. The current homepage is great, and this mistake addition is pretty nice.

That summary page must’ve been pretty rad if people talk about it this much, though.


It wasn’t anything groundbreaking, but it was quite useful to a lot of people as it gave instant feedback on one’s study session - the good and the bad.


Ignoring the fact that we had something better in the summary page, I think this is a great addition. It’s an added benefit so those who like it can use it but the change shouldn’t affect people who don’t like it, so it’s much better in that regard than the removal of the summary page or the addition of kana only vocabulary that can’t be opted out of.

I came here just to give a +1 to the new Recent Mistakes Dashboard, but a lot of comments suggest this is probably the answer Wanikani is giving to those who used the summary page- and no, it’s not, for reasons that would benefit no one to recapitulate for the billionth time, so hopefully something is still in development.

One suggestion to make it closer would be to add the ability to sort recent mistakes (which Scott says is in the works) by when the mistake was made sooner than later, so we can look at what mistakes we made in the last session without having to look through the whole list of mistakes in the last 24 hours.

Another is the ability to see the reading by hovering over the icons so we don’t have to open a new page for items we’ve forgotten.

Good addition overall, though.


I’ve just finished my Recent Mistakes Quiz, and I’d like to thank you for this feature!

While I try to maintain a 70-80 apprentice items, most of them are old stubborn leeches that need an extra dose of care. This feature will be very useful.

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Thank you, Jenny


I think this feature is really great! I find myself making mistakes on the same items repeatedly, so this is really helpful. I hope to see the summary page return, since that was even more valuable than this feature in terms of a bird’s-eye view of a study session, but thanks for adding this feature!

I’d love the option to hide this box, or move it down below. I much prefer to see my level progress over this box. I might just go create a script to remove it entirely.


I installed this script and that moved the Extra Study down below the Level Progress. So I guess the new box can stay… for now. Turns out Gorbit99 is on top of things and has added the feature to remove the new box with that script! Hallelujah!


I don’t dislike this. For my personal use I think it replaces the summary page fairly well. I can easily understand why some people would be underwhelmed by this, though.


I would be pleased if you could hover over the items to get their info like anywhere else on the webpage. The summary page had a gentle feeling, you’re not really studying, you’re just browsing. This has a feeling of studying, because the quizzes just take a bunch of time.


This is wonderful and so much better than the summary page. I didn’t find that very useful, but this feature actually is and I’ll try to use it am every day. I bet it will increase my average accuracy massively!

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This is an improvement, but it still isn’t the summary page.


I’m not sure if there’s something wrong with my dashboard but now I can’t see the Level progress (the radicals and kanji for the level I’m on) on my dashboard. The recent mistakes area has replaced it ? Are other people having this issue? I liked being able to see the little progress bars.


If you scroll down, it should be under the “Extra Study” tab (at least that’s how it shows up for me).

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I like the idea, but it’s too big and takes up too much space! I have to scroll so far down to see my level progress, which I look at way more.


The hovering is a must have


I appreciate the new feature, but I wish I could have it use the space that is currently occupied by the level progress information. Since I’m level 60, the level progress indicator is meaningless now, and I’d rather just see the recent mistakes component.

With all of the various dashboard components that exist now, it would be nice if we had the ability to customize which ones appeared, and where they were located. I have several scripts installed that allow for some customization, but every new addition breaks things temporarily, and it makes me really wish that customizing the dashboard was a native feature of the site instead of something that we have to rely on userscripts to do.


Thank you for making one step in the right direction.

Could you actually implement hovering over items? Because right now “scanning” does not feel like, you know, scanning