New People Questions! ~~~<3 [Lost?! Confused?! We're here to help!]

Thanks @UInt2048 :+1:

Removed it from suggestions to avoid confusion.


Thank you so much @KyokaJiro san :heart_eyes_cat: , all your encouragement is so heartwarming :heart: I’ll follow your advice! Hope to see you soon on the forum :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Is it okay to stay on each level for around a month because of school?


Absolutely. You should go at the speed that you can comfortably maintain. Level 60 is a long way away - some people go fast, some slow.


In fact, if you take it too quick, you get overwhelmed with a massive review pile you can’t handle. Take it at an appropriate speed.


The answer to your question is “Oui” :stuck_out_tongue:

The exponential flow of reviews is hard to imagine. (Humans have a terrible time understanding non- linear processes.)

This is one of the classic cases of “Go slow, to go fast”. You can take a month for a level and decrease your time or increase your time depending on your situation.

If at any point you feel overwhelmed, immediately stop doing lessons and only do reviews until you get “normal” feeling.

The most important part is “whatever pace feels comfortable for you” (it changes depending on the life circumstances too.)

Good luck @oui-oui san :four_leaf_clover:

(Everything said above is a suggestion, please feel free to ignore the statements if they do not suit you :slightly_smiling_face:)


If you get the same item wrong multiple times in one Review session, will it fall multiple SRS levels or just one?

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It will fall (mistakes / 2) rounded up levels

So 1 or 2 mistakes → 1 level
3 or 4 → 2
And so on

Edit: or well, times
It’s a bit complicated, after guru I, failing a review will make it fall 2 levels, so if you fail a review 5 times and it’s on guru II, first it will fall down to apprentice IV because it was above guru, then 2 times to apprentice III and then apprentice II


Hi! I have a quick question for you guys.
Does a KaniWani stats website exist, one similar to Kaniwani already has the status information down, but I was primarily looking for a place to see my accuracy levels, to see where I can improve. I’m guessing there isn’t…but maybe more likely there’s a script that does…? Thanks in advance!

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KaniWani doesn’t have an API like WaniKani

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Ahh, I’m so dense for not thinking of that earlier. Thank you all the same for reminding me!

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I’m not new but I am new to the forums. I just had an issue where I submitted two answers and both were marked incorrect but I can’t seem to spot the difference between my answer and the answer wanikani wants. I’m not sure if the is the correct place to post this but if it is not I will mmmove this and add the screenshot I took.

This is an alright place for it. Though I suspect you had the usual small vs big やよゆつ issue

At level 7, I’d be willing to bet it’s more likely to be a hiragana へ / katakana ヘ issue. :slightly_smiling_face:

But yeah, post the screenshot, @yaramiah

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I kind of figured out the problem. I turned off one of the scripts I was using to try to get another one to work and it started accepting my answers again. I have no idea which script caused the issue because it didn’t happen during review, just during the lessons.


Here are the screenshots though if you’re still curious.

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Katakana Madness, methinks.


I still have that one off too with no problems and I guess I’ll keep it off for now too. Thanks!

I reset a long time ago and then only recently actually started from scratch. (see attached screenshot) It seems to be messing with the estimated level up times. Since I’m only level two would it be worth it to do a reset to fix these timings?

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I think you can specificly exclude levels from the calculation if it bothers you. Though resetting at this stage wouldn’t throw you back much so either one is fine probably.

Welcome back and welcome to the community!