My Ultimate JLPT Grammar Guide

Spectacular work! I’m pleased that you have taken the time to make a concise grammar guide. Thanks for your effort in doing this.

I was reading through it and noticed on page 24, on the table for ‘counter’ exceptions, that you have the kanji 月 listed in the column for which you are listing the counters for '日’, and that under the second row for days, you have the hiragana as ‘ふっか’ when it should be 'ふつか’.

I look forward to your final version as a handy reference guide to have to around!


Seems like you already added something! Will binge it tomorrow! Thanks for your hard work :slight_smile:

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It is past midnight so only had time to read a tiny bit. But I love it! Well written, nice structure and setup is easy on the eye as well. I will definitely try read it all! Thanks for creating and sharing this with us! =D

This is awesome! Thank you! :bowing_man:

This is awesome, thank you!


Great! Thank you very much.

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I found a mistake/Typo on the page with the different ways to count. The one column should be 日 but you have 月.

Second update to the guide. It now has half of genki 2 in. May still be missing a few corrections and some N5 notes, but will try to add them in after the bulk of the textbook notes are done. Progress is slower now that I have started Uni for the year. Check original post for the update.



Whoaaa this is great!!! Thank you so much for this.

Page twenty-four of the counter table first column is using month instead day kanji.

amazing work and also a real neat homepage! :slight_smile:

Well done!

What an amazing work you did !
I really appreciate ! Thank you !

This is great, thank you!!

Feedback has been taken into consideration, and changes will be made if not yet in the future. This is pretty much ready for JLPT N4, excluding maybe a few points at most. Good luck to people taking the JLPT exam with me on 3/12/17.

Awesome, I can’t wait to check this out when I get home. I’ve been doing a lot more grammar lately to try to finally catch that up to my vocab.

This is too good to be true. Exactly what I need at this precise moment. Bravo.

Awesome! That is quite nice. I did not read it yet and have just glanced it a bit. I know you don’t have a lot of time, but I find furigana kind of great, making new learners enjoy it more despite not being aware of all kanji (including the simple ones).

Thanks again for this masterpiece!