Hello. I’m having a bit of trouble with the reading of the verb 退くwhile doing the reviews in WK.
Wanikani has しりぞく as the only reading option, but so far I’ve encountered the readings ひく and どく been as or even more common, with mostly the same meaning (to my awareness).
Could this be added?? Or maybe if there’s a difference, made more clear.
I did a quick search in my sentence bank from several shows (more than 100,000 sentences), and while not a super common verb, I founded 20 sentences, 4 of those corresponding with the reading しりぞく the rest almost equally divided between the two other mentioned readings.
Generally speaking, WK doesn’t handle words with multiple readings that correspond to other words well. They usually just ignore that those other words exist, especially when you add to it that ひくin this case is just expressing a nuance of 引く.
The search was looking for the actual kanji on the subs; though I looked for どく in hiragana only… but actually didn’t found any sentence that had the verb written in hiragana.
I listened to the sentences and checked the actual audio, as the furigana add-on in Anki also puts しりぞく as the deffault reading.
Actually I can’t really tell any subtle difference in the meaning either as for most of the lines correspond with “retreat”… like in a battle.
edit: since its much harder to look for hiragana only vebs in Anki, I was looking only the dictionary form for どく … I’ve tried then the て form and its past and indeed some more sentences came… though not that many anyway (10 actually).
どいて is common as a way to tell people to get out of the way. I don’t know how effective looking up any verb based just on the dictionary form is going to be.