They’re from electronic versions of manga (I know manga’s not the best way to practice Japanese because it’s not reflective of how people speak in real life, but it’s a bit more fun, the sentences are short, the pictures help me guess, and it’s not all about arriving and leaving the workplace or school
So the characters aren’t computer-generated (any more) and can’t simply be extracted and enlarged, they’re just pixels on a page of art.
It’s got the reading for you … for me, it has grey squiggle that looks like a slanting box (I would have guessed か if forced to pick one!), grey squiggle that sort of looks like た, and squiggle that looks like an upside down V. So they didn’t help me much
You must be reading somewhat old manga because more recent manga tends to have high quality scans. I’ve seen some older scans like this though, and they can be frustratingly bad quality.