Listening Training recommendation

(Edited) You might want to try something I’m doing. It might be a little bit overkill if your listening is very weak, though. But - if you have the patience, I still recommend it. which is a subsidiary company of Amazon offers audio books. Japanese audio books in fact. I’m currently listening to 嫌われる勇気(kirawareru yuuki)。 This book falls under the self-development category. I only understand about 60%. But even then, I just listen to 15 - 30 minutes a day. Then start again from the beginning once I’ve finished.

If you don’t already have an Japanese Audible account, it’s a good time to start because you can get a two month free trial membership. With that you get at least one free audio book that is yours to listen to forever even when your trial ends. Just log in and listen and you can listen from multiple devices.

By the way - I am NOT representing the Audible company in any form other than my own personal experience. They aren’t paying me or sponsoring me in any way to promote them.

Why did you mention being in Japan? Is it region restricted?

I actually saw they released Monogatari series audio books read by Hiroshi Kamiya and other anime voice actors on Audible.

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Good point. I mentioned Japan because I happen to have two Audible accounts. A U.S. Audible account and a Japanese Audible account. But - I haven’t used my U.S. account in quite a while and wasn’t really sure if they offered all or any of the Japanese audio books.

So, it may be that you can get all of the same audio book as are listed in Japan. That would be great.

Many of us here have an Amazon JP account I guess :wink:
Amazon just uses a separate account for JP but you can use the same account for US, UK, DE for example.

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Personally, I also recommend reading the book along (it might depend on what you want to work on but I found it to be very good practice and a lot more enjoyable than just doing one of the two, but that might be just me)

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Yeah the US version is extremely limited in what they have in Japanese. It’s mostly historic and nonfiction or really popular books like Harry Potter.

So nothing like Monogatari at all.

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@Kalas - I like your idea of reading along - especially if your reading speed is at least fast enough to point your finger at where the speaker is currently narrating from. And - as long as the audio book is unabridged. I don’t even know how to say unabridged in Japanese so I wouldn’t know if I were getting the right book or not.

Maybe there is another read-along option that I haven’t considered?

@alo - I was afraid that might be the situation. hmmm

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