🔉 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge (Summer Edition) 🏖

Jul 12, Tue of Week 3 of Summer :beach_umbrella: 2022

Today’s story is カッパの雨ごい (:studio_microphone:).


I actually put a lot of effort into sound recording for today, so it looks like this.

In Audacity for PC

Story impression

Such a heartfelt story of カッパ (not written in Kanji – 河童)

In short, cut audio into segments, so that I can listen to each segments properly. [1]

While I don’t yet know enough about Shadowing, I might do it more properly for conversational dialogues (as opposed to storytelling), where I am more careful about each segments.

Yesterday, I probably didn’t watch much after yesterday’s post, but I might managed to watch about an author – [歴史探偵] 水木しげる 妖怪に隠された秘密 | NHK - YouTube, as well as finished half-watched ones. [2]

Also, watched the news update a little about Abe.

  1. I don’t really repeat each segments, because the audio is already 10 minutes long. Also, in the end, I record a long one without breaking, for the sake of storytelling. (Of course I know that storytelling skills are even further than (any) language alone.) ↩︎

  2. ↩︎