🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Summer 2024 🌻 🏖

:green_apple: :beverage_box: soggy’s home post :beverage_box: :green_apple:

:dizzy: my study log

:pretzel: :roller_coaster: July :roller_coaster: :pretzel:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07
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29 30 31
:popcorn: :ferris_wheel: Aug :ferris_wheel: :popcorn:
01 02 03 04
05 06 07 08 09 10 11
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challenge goals:

10 hours listened!
20 hours listened!
30 hours listened!
40 hours listened!


4989 American Life Podcast
Native content on Youtube
Fushigi Sweet Shop Audiobooks

Tentative daily mix:
1 podcast episode (25-30mins)
1 let’s play episode (15-20mins)

1 chapter audiobook (25-30mins)


:kick_scooter: back to my home post

Resource Time
:cup_with_straw: 4989 American Life Podcast
:potted_plant: YUYUの日本語
:guitar: Bocchi the Radio
:mushroom: Mario Let’s Play
:candy: ふしぎ駄菓子屋

:ferris_wheel: soggy’s challenge review :ferris_wheel:

Total Time: 37 hrs 50 mins

I ended up not pushing through to 40 hours. I figured I was close enough. Although, funnily enough, today when I got to work I found myself putting on a 30 minute episode of YUYU and listening to the whole thing, even though it’s now the off month! I guess I’ve created a pretty good habit, then.

I mainly used podcasts- 4898 American life and YUYUの日本語。I also listened to a few chapters of ふしぎ駄菓子屋 audiobook. Youtube and anime contributions are probably in the range of 5-10 hours.

Overall, my impression of the challenge was that 20hrs/month is more difficult to fit into my schedule than I first expected, although it’s definitely doable. The biggest gaps came from when I was not at work, because I don’t do much at home where I could add podcast listening; I have to choose to watch something like youtube/anime/dramas and I just don’t generally reach for more than like 15 minutes of those in a day.


I naturally gravitate towards podcasts and audiobooks for these challenges because they are the most dense. The youtube and anime that I used had a lot less speaking, so they didn’t feel quite as efficient. My overall goal is to be able to graduate to audiobooks, so I want to practice my skills with materials that are at least as dense as audiobooks.

I listened to a good amount of 4989 American life, and then by the end of the challenge, I found I was naturally not reaching for it, so I didn’t push it. I began listening to YUYUの日本語 which I quite enjoyed because of its relaxed style. I find it easy to put on when I’m doing other tasks and not feel too worried about missing little bits.


I would rate my comprehension of conversational podcasts as decent :+1: The biggest change came from audiobook comprehension. I discovered that I am able to listen to new chapters of Zenitendou without having read them before, and with some focus and effort, I can follow the plot.

Now, these are children’s books, so the plot has a fairly low barrier to entry. I’m sure my comprehension is at best only 60-70% of what’s being said, but it was actually enough in most chapters. At first I was doubting what I heard, thinking like, I must be misunderstanding major information here, but by confirming with people who had already read the stories, I learned my understanding was correct!

Also, I believe both my extensive listening and my extensive reading over the course of the challenge have combined in order to improve my overall parsing of sentences. I’ve become pretty good at noticing which key word in a sentence is the right one to look up in order to understand what’s going on, which I think is a good improvement. I’ve noticed some nice synchronicity in my listening and reading in other ways as well- things like learning a word from reading and noticing it in listening material later and so on.


I believe around the end of the first month of the challenge, I posted about how I still hadn’t noticed a major change in my listening stamina. I was still noticing the Headache of Knowledge approaching whenever I tried to listen to around an hour of material. Funnily enough, I think that’s improved. :thinking: It’s something you notice when it’s there, but don’t notice when it’s gone. Earlier today I listened to 30 minutes of Yuyu and I don’t feel any more tired after that. If that’s the only thing I gain from the challenge, I’ll count it as a win, because I’ve had a much harder time improving my listening stamina than my reading stamina.

I’m going to stop posting daily updates here during the off month, but I’ll still be lurking! And I’ll keep listening to stuff, just probably not quite as much. I really enjoy the camaraderie in these threads and seeing what everyone is up to.