🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Spring 2023 🌼 🌱

Summary Post

May 7th
What did I listen to?: Speak Japanese Naturally goes to Yoyogi Park
How much time did I spend listening?: ~11 min

Chill walking in Yoyogi park~ I didn’t visit this part of the park when I went there (I low-key thought this was going to include Meiji Jingu but I was incorrect lol, still nice though xD). I feel like my stamina started to give out and I started looking at the subs more as the video went on lol

So I creeped on this store on Google and found some more pictures :joy: It does look like they’re a bit more recessed into the wall/under the awning than I first thought. They probably do just close the curtains if it’s really raining, I doubt that many people would want to stand out there in the rain to look at books anyway :joy: Still, I would think that even with the awnings/curtains, the general moisture in the air when it rains would be not great for the books? Though I suppose that if it resulted in any significant damage to the inventory they probably wouldn’t do it lol. It does look pretty :3
Anyway, I’m done pondering the practicality of outdoor bookshelves now lmao sorry