List of all non-WK kanji on Satori Reader

I got curious about how many non-WK kanji there were on Satori Reader, so I wrote some scripts to download all the stories and calculate the frequency of non-WK kanji. I figured this might help in case people want to study them (or the WK staff is looking for ideas on which kanji to add :P)

Additionally, I also calculated the fraction of kanji on Satori Reader that you will know after each level of WK while I was at it.

Note that this is purely based on kanji appearance. Sometimes a WK kanji will appear on SR, but with a reading that WK doesn’t teach you.

Also note that in some cases, Satori Reader has multiple versions of a story available. In these cases, I went with the more advanced version.

Anyway, here’s the list of all non-WK kanji on SR, along with the number of times they appear.

Total for all stories:
370: 彦
30: 餌
28: 窟
20: 拭頬
19: 呑覗辿頷
17: 撫
12: 嗅
11: 掴掻溜潰瞑腫
10: 侶唾馴
9: 吊杖舐
8: 溢癌罠釘
7: 揉眩
6: 吠唸嚇
5: 凧呟晦笹糞這餃騙
4: 惚柿紐麓
3: 俯只叶怯惹捧槌毯獺碗絨膿茸襖訣賑踪馳
2: 佇冴剃剥堵塞妬姪嫉戌扁掟昧晃曖柚桁歪滲爬爺甥睨稀筑箋絆腺苔蕎詣讐轟辰霞鷹
1: 些仇佃倦冤厨唖囁垢壺尖幇廻恍悶悸惧愕攣斡暢栗桶棺椀洲淹溺痕痙瘍祟穿脾腎腑腿膏膳茄葛蓋薪薫藁蝕訝詫踵躇躊鎧閃陀頓骸

And here are the lists broken down by story:

Akiko’s Foreign Exchange (133 chapters):
6: 溜
3: 拭
2: 唾掻筑釘
1: 佇凧呑垢廻悶捧撫溢腫辿頬頷騙

Closeup: After the Tokyo Subway Attack (11 chapters):
2: 潰
1: 冤晃躇躊

Closeup: Obon Society (9 chapters):
2: 辰

Closeup: The Zama Nine Murders (11 chapters):
8: 吊
1: 幇斡稀脾腎

Dialogs: Airport (10 chapters):
1: 潰薫

Dialogs: Bus Stop (8 chapters):

Dialogs: Hospital (15 chapters):
7: 腫
3: 膿
2: 扁腺
1: 塞溜箋

Dialogs: Hotels (10 chapters):
2: 只桁

Dialogs: Restaurants (28 chapters):
5: 餃
1: 厨膳茄襖

Dialogs: Train Station (10 chapters):
2: 鷹
1: 洲這

Fujiki Consulting Services (41 chapters):
11: 餌
10: 侶
7: 頷
3: 拭
2: 辿
1: 唸惧掴掻撫攣歪淹痙祟藁覗讐頬騙

Hole in the Wall (58 chapters):
8: 罠
3: 嗅
2: 拭爺頷
1: 唾掟潰眩睨絆腫膏賑頬餌

John and Friends in Tokyo (59 chapters):
7: 馴
1: 佃只潰碗穿蕎

Kiki-Mimi Radio (27 chapters):
6: 呑
2: 吠
1: 撫柿潰轟這

Koibito (52 chapters):
3: 掴揉
2: 妬嫉惚騙
1: 些俯冴塞恍惹歪滲眩釘閃

Kona’s Big Adventure (45 chapters):
2: 吠撫辿
1: 嗅眩苔覗釘頬餌

Kona’s Big Adventure II: The Journey I Live (88 chapters):
16: 餌
9: 舐
8: 撫癌
4: 嚇掻覗
3: 嗅怯這
2: 剃呑掴溢頬麓
1: 佇倦冴唸唾晦毯瘍睨稀紐絆絨腫薪蝕辿釘鎧頓頷馳骸

Meditation (6 chapters):
10: 瞑
2: 溜
1: 囁

My Sweetie Is Japanese (28 chapters):
5: 糞
2: 姪甥
1: 拭暢椀槌潰碗頷馳

News (60 chapters):
3: 踪
2: 爬霞
1: 呑拭晃痕紐腿餌

Oku-Nikkou (62 chapters):
28: 窟
5: 笹
4: 凧頷
3: 拭獺茸
2: 呟唾嚇掻柿頬麓
1: 剥吠唸壺捧掴杖桶棺溢碗苔葛蓋蕎覗賑轟釘騙

Sakura and Suzuki’s Long Distance Relationship (43 chapters):
1: 彦惚

Secret (98 chapters):
339: 彦
7: 頬
4: 唾揉
3: 呑拭溢眩
2: 俯呟堵惹掴辿
1: 仇叶唖嗅掻晦毯溜溺滲絨腑腫覗釘陀頷

Spring (10 chapters):

Streetside Interviews (17 chapters):

Summer (8 chapters):
4: 辿
1: 嗅

The Jam Maker (60 chapters):
8: 杖
3: 辿
2: 嗅撫柚紐
1: 吊呑呟拭柿毯溢絨釘頬頷

The Neighbor (12 chapters):
4: 覗
2: 掴

The River Sanzu (20 chapters):
30: 彦
4: 潰
1: 唸眩覗

Trees of Happiness (58 chapters):
3: 晦覗訣頬馴
2: 叶呑襖詣
1: 拭栗槌溜瞑箋訝賑辿

Wedding of the Fox (84 chapters):
3: 呑覗辿
2: 唸戌拭撫昧曖
1: 剥吠嗅尖悸惚愕捧掟掻槌詫讐踵頬頷馳

And lastly, here is the fraction of kanji on SR that you will know after each level of Wanikani:

1: 8.013%
2: 15.921%
3: 21.110%
4: 26.116%
5: 35.445%
6: 43.717%
7: 48.070%
8: 53.211%
9: 57.836%
10: 62.067%
11: 64.091%
12: 68.847%
13: 70.994%
14: 72.272%
15: 74.785%
16: 76.683%
17: 78.113%
18: 79.116%
19: 80.168%
20: 81.673%
21: 82.434%
22: 83.732%
23: 84.920%
24: 85.727%
25: 86.605%
26: 87.301%
27: 88.516%
28: 88.972%
29: 89.553%
30: 90.246%
31: 90.962%
32: 91.822%
33: 92.193%
34: 92.447%
35: 92.830%
36: 93.375%
37: 93.827%
38: 94.505%
39: 94.778%
40: 95.229%
41: 95.791%
42: 96.126%
43: 96.353%
44: 96.648%
45: 97.138%
46: 97.551%
47: 97.703%
48: 97.934%
49: 98.129%
50: 98.258%
51: 98.403%
52: 98.517%
53: 98.566%
54: 98.648%
55: 98.739%
56: 98.792%
57: 98.828%
58: 98.873%
59: 98.886%
60: 99.096%

I hope this helps people.

Edit 6/25/22: Updated the stats for the chapters released since the original post.

Edit 4/07/23: Updated the stats for the chapters released since the original post.

Edit 1/28/24: Updated the stats for the chapters released and new kanji added to WK since the original post.

Edit 8/24/24: Updated the stats for the chapters released since the original post.

Edit 9/20/24: Updated the stats for the chapters released since the original post. (This will likely be the final update.)


That’s brilliant work. Is this for the full stories or only the parts available for free?

I also wonder if it’s intentional that most stories have one word with high frequency. I mean, sure, something like Oku-Nikkou is going mention 窟 a lot, but I wonder if they picked subjects in order to get that kind of ratio.

Granted, that’s only non-WK kanji, but their WK integration makes me think they took that into account.

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The stats are for the full stories. I did however exclude “Human Japanese”, “News”, and “Dialogs” and just included the ones that seemed like actual stories.

Update: I added News and Dialogs (and updated the stats appropriately)

Dialogs: Airport:
1: 潰薫

Dialogs: Bus Stop:

Dialogs: Hospital:
7: 腫
3: 膿
2: 扁腺
1: 塞溜箋

Dialogs: Hotels:
2: 只桁

Dialogs: Restaurants:
5: 餃
1: 厨炒膳茄襖

Dialogs: Train Station:
2: 鷹
1: 洲這

3: 踪


Are you saying that 彦 appears 370 times? Is there some kind of recurring character with that in their name or something?


I didn’t read the story to check, but probably. I’m guessing it’s part of their name. If you look closely, you’ll notice that it appears 339 times in Secret and 30 times in The River Sanzu (and once in Sakura and Suzuki’s Long Distance Relationship).

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This is really interesting! Thank you for doing this :grinning:

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Great work!

Superb for us with SR, it’ll be of great help :smiley:


In “Secret” there is a character called Akihiko. It’s likely from there, as @Leebo guessed.


Updated the stats for the chapters released since the original post.

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Thanks for creating this very useful list. I have it set to synch with wanikani and have furigana gradually disappear. Here’s a tip to anyone doing the same: have it set to unlock characters on satori at Guru 2. By the time the character reaches that SRS stage, wanikani typically teaches you a few words with different readings.


Updated the stats for the chapters released since the original post.


Just updated the stats for the chapters released on SR since the last update and also updated it to take into account the new kanji that have been added to Wanikani since the original post.

I’d been meaning to do this since my thread got re-discovered last week but didn’t get around to it until now. Better late than never, I guess.


Just updated the stats again for new chapters on SR.


Just updated the stats again for new chapters on SR. This will likely be the final update since my SR subscription is ending and I don’t intend to resubscribe.