What is lightning mode on the wanikani app?
It changes around the order of your reviews so that when you answer an item, the other part of the same item (reading / meaning) pops up in hopes of speeding up the process. Or, it may be used for quick review sessions so that no items are left half-answered (and that progress is lost).
PS: Sorry for the late response! The forums are usually a little less busy past 6:00 or so
It also removes the level animation after completing each item and just jumps directly to the next item. It’s invaluable when you have a lot of items to get through. (Like me. I took a year off, and I’m down from 1600 reviews to only 449!)
GreenWarrior said... It changes around the order of your reviews so that when you answer an item, the other part of the same item (reading / meaning) pops up in hopes of speeding up the process. Or, it may be used for quick review sessions so that no items are left half-answered (and that progress is lost).Oh alright, I get it! Cheers
PS: Sorry for the late response! The forums are usually a little less busy past 6:00 or so
I probably posted this at an odd time for Americans? I'm living in Australia :)
notjames116 said... It also removes the level animation after completing each item and just jumps directly to the next item. It's invaluable when you have a lot of items to get through. (Like me. I took a year off, and I'm down from 1600 reviews to only 449!)It sure does sound invaluable in that sort of situation. Awesome, thanks!