Lifetime or Yearly premium upgrade?

Heya!! reached level 4 today! woohoo!! almost at that elusive level 5 (half way to my first 10 level target!!!)
I am proud of myself! (might eat some cheesecake to celebrate if anyone wants a slice?) but i now have the decision to make…
Premium… do i buy my first year, with the aim to complete in 2, or go lifetime and save money if i end up needing 3…

its a tough one! i am just a poor poor university student who struggles to put food on the table before reviews, but learning japanese by using WaniKani and KaniWani is my passion, and i don’t want to quit.

that being said, i’m simply too pressed on money to take this decision lightly, as i do work pretty slowly so would hate to have to buy that 3rd year…

any tips, advice, or encouragement is appreciated!!! happy saturday to all of you friends too!!! <3


The lifetime subscription usually goes on sale for $200 (instead of the normal $300) towards the end of the year. Additionally, if you subscribe to annual, you get any remaining portion taken off the price of the upgrade to lifetime (so not the whole $89, but the amount unused). While there’s no guarantee the sale will happen this year, it has happened every year for the last several years, so it’s very likely.

Based on this, your best option is to get the annual subscription now, and then if you’re still consistently using WaniKani, upgrade to lifetime when the sale is available. This will save you money compared to buying lifetime now, and it will give you five more months to evaluate WaniKani before committing to lifetime.


This is what I did and I was very happy with how I spent that money.


I’ll definitely have to get the lifetime as it will probably take me 5 years to reach level 60 -.-

At the rate I’m going (10 lessons a day) it should take me about 3 years but some days I get overwhelmed and stop doing lessons for a few days to get my apprentice down. I’m sure it will be like that in later levels as well. Plus, I don’t think I’ll ever stop doing WK. it’s a great way to keep reinforcing the material as I consume other Japanese media.


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