I was working a full time physical labor day job until around level 36. Sometimes long hours meant I had to rush through reviews or skip lessons but overall I managed to make it work. After the company I worked for shut down, I had a lot of extra time to spend on Japanese. This made it possible for me to go quicker on the fast levels and do a lot more immersion. I’ve been reading through よつばと again the last few days and it’s amazing being able to understand everything except the occasional word.
This forum has been a treasure trove of useful information, so I want to thank everyone here for all the great topics and comments, and a big thank you to everyone on the Wanikani team for creating this wonderful environment.
Congratulations! Way to make it work and especially not succumbing to using the heavy labour job as an excuse not to progress in your self-learning. Keep on keeping on! Thanks for the inspiration .