My script usage got a bit out of hand, I will try to sort them by importance for me
Wanikani Override
- I use it all the time, I don’t really rely on the WK radicals, and this stupid MacBook keyboard now has the habit to press B twice, grrrr
Wanikani Self-Study Quiz
- Great script, and got even better recently! I just go through all kanji on the current level again quickly several times, no problem with the level afterwards!
- Dashboard Progress Plus
- Wanikani Ultimate Timeline
- Jitai
- I shouldn’t have installed that exploding banana font or how it was called …
Niai Similar Kanji
- I often think “haven’t I seen this before?” Very useful to find troublemakers that are just too similar.
Fast Abridged Wrong/Multiple Answers
- Show all meanings after your answer, good to reinforce also the meanings you don’t use (thanks again @DaisukeJigen for adding it!)
- Katakana Madness
- Also helps with the phonetic compositions (because they only apply to ON readings)
Lesson User Synonyms 2
- Also add synonyms during lessons, I really wonder why this is not part of vanilla WK
- Keisei
- Starts to help you from maybe level 10–20, I think it’s great
- Starts to help you from maybe level 10–20, I think it’s great
- Wanikani Reorder Ultimate 2
- For sorting radicals and kanji to the front
- I only turn it on during lessons when I need it, this extra bar freaks me out
Wanikani Stroke Order Diagram
- Very useful to get a better feeling for the kanji, I will practice writing later™
- Doushi – I have this script in “permanent alpha”, it shows other verbs with the same kanji, with the same reading, …
- Wanikani Pitch Info
- Wanikani Real Numbers
- Timer script – another script in development, a timer that also computes stats like median time per answer, …
DotDotDot Expander
- Prevents the unnecessary abbreviations with … even on wide screens
- Golden Burn
The scripts definitely turn WK from like 7/10 to 10/10.