:durtle_hello: Let's Durtle the Scenic Route šŸ¢

Iā€™m currently struggling a bit because several months back I was doing a lot more lessons than I am now, and all those items are just now coming back as Enlightened (in other words, potential Burns).

And they just keep coming and coming, piling up my reviews. So, Iā€™ve drastically reduced how many lessons Iā€™m doing. Havenā€™t done any in a couple of days, for instance.

Itā€™s okay to completely stop new lessons until you get your reviews back to a more comfortable level, IMHO. Itā€™s all about the long run.

For instance, Iā€™m now thinking to myself, ā€œWell, I guess I should watch out in the future if I ever get the urge again to splurge on lessons like I did a few months ago. Iā€™ll have to keep in mind what my future-self will have to go through when all those reviews come back!ā€


That makes sense. Part of my problem was going at too fast of a pace over the holidays and now catching up with that. SRS really does force you to think long term.


levelled up today! Last level took 160 days and this level took 10 days ! the scenic route doesnā€™t have to look consistent, some days weā€™re zoomin and other days weā€™re taking it nice and slow!

Cat Driving GIFs | Tenor

to repeat what others have been saying @NewFoundBlob more times than not Iā€™m only doing reviews not lessons :smiling_face: especially for the reasons @wct wrote about - those enlightened reviews will come with a vengence and mess you up hahah so I like to do lessons spaced out and slowly


I love this! You also always seem to have the perfect gifs/stickers. :sweat_smile: Congrats on levelling up!!


Yeah, congrats! :partying_face::balloon: Are you now on 28 or 27? Your forum ā€˜levelā€™ says 27 at the moment, but so does mine, and Iā€™ve been on WK level 28 for a few weeks now. Just curious if we happen to be on the same WK level? (Sometimes takes the forums a while to catch up; I think one can fix it by re-logging-in, but I donā€™t care that much to bother :smile:)

This levelā€™s taking me longer than usual, because of all the incoming Enlightened Ones as mentioned earlier.

Love the cat gif. Is that perhaps Toonces the Driving Cat? Or just coincidental cat-in-the-driverā€™s-seat, as they say? They say? Whoā€™s they? :thinking::man_shrugging: ā€¦ :sweat_smile:


@wct Iā€™m on level 28 - I always guessed the forum level shows the highest level number which you have completed (guruā€™d all items) and since weā€™re still working on lvl.28 and itā€™s not completed yet thatā€™s why weā€™re 27 ! How cool to be on the same level together snap! letā€™s do this!! :facepunch: :facepunch:

thanks for the gif appreciation (+ @alygator) :two_hearts: i merely offer the crabigator a sacrifice and in exchange he provides me with the best gif for each occasion :goat: :volcano: in this instance, a coincidental cat-in-the-driverā€™s-seat as they say


Nope, it has nothing to do with progress through the level! If you log out and then log back in again, itā€™ll show your correct level, but if not, I think itā€™ll only update when you level up again. So itā€™s up to you if you mind the number in your icon lagging behind or not. I always update mine because otherwise it feels silly to me to be making posts on my study log about leveling up when my icon still shows the previous level :sweat_smile:.


Can I join here if I plan to go at it slower later, but right now Iā€™m trying to be fast as fuck bois hahah?

Used to be lv21, then life happened, away for 1.5 years. Back back this new year and reset to lv1.
So I remember the early levels are easy and can be blitz through, but later levels are more complicated and then I slow down.


For sure! Thatā€™s what I did

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Alright I joined the Tomat team, looks pretty tasty. This time I really try not to push myself too hard and burn out. Most levels are around 4-6hr over max speed. But one time I went to Japan and that level took 2 weeks since I donā€™t wanna worry about reviews while in Japan haha. So actual average speed is around 8.6 days not counting the first 2 levels.

Speed, joined, current level: 8, 8, 8.


Level 56!

I spent my standard fourteen days on level 55, and I also managed to complete the first chapter of Tobira within that window of time! Hooray!

A more detailed description of Tobira will be forthcoming in my study log update, haha, but for now, Iā€™ll say that the chapters feel about 2-3 times more work than a Minna no Nihongo lesson. They have like twice the vocab and twice the grammar points, plus more reading (which is honestly welcome, at this point), and the workbook exercises are much more open-ended, and there are less pure grammar drills.

I think Iā€™ll be able to keep doing the chapters at my standard two week pace, though, as long as I stay ahead with adding the vocab to Anki, and probably set aside a full week for the workbook. I did all the workbook exercises in like four days for the first chapter, but it was a bit more work than I like to do in any given day, so I want to spread it out a little more next time.

Got a lot on my plate right now with my translation workload (I have half a big show still left to translate, plus the stuff from the TJPW match at Keiji Mutohā€™s retirement show, plus two press conferences, plus a VOD show thatā€™s happening tonight, whichā€™ll be up in just a few daysā€¦), so thatā€™ll be keeping me quite busy, haha, in addition to a few non-Japanese writing projects Iā€™m trying to complete by the end of the month.


Got to level 19 after 30 days!

Iā€™ve been finding more and more characters I donā€™t recognize as I level up further, so I have a feeling this may be the pace Iā€™ll be going at, but we shall see! I used to be pretty good with matching the SRS timing, but lately Iā€™ve kinda done WaniKani whenever I remember to do it in the day. Maybe Iā€™ll put an alarm on my phone to remind me better :laughing:

Anyhow, happy durtling~


Would force it to become a routine in some way, will greatly help with doing lessons, hitting timings and doing reviews. You wonā€™t need to rely on will power and the workload will feel like a fraction of what it is due to you being on autopilot. It is super important.


Yea I think so too! I kept it casual to not demotivate myself again, but now that Iā€™m confident I can keep it up, Iā€™m gonna challenge myself to create a routine again, since the WaniKani system is reliant on that.


hello community! im back after a big lazy break session!
Iā€™m currently at 1029 reviewsā€¦ :sob:
but now i know not to rush and burn myself out. Iā€™ve done about 150 reviews today, and iā€™m pretty proud of myself.
good luck, everyone!

im also part of the studdy buddy race but lets not talk about that

edit: now itā€™s down to 700! i did some more reviews today and iā€™m not beating myself up for getting things wrong anymore. :slight_smile:


Uh oh, I think Iā€™m level 50 now. :upside_down_face: Like yay but alsoā€¦ :anguished:


as much as i love the idea of this group, and although my pace for anything tends to be a lot slower than most people, i just canā€™t be doing it here
i donā€™t have a lifetime membership, so i kind of have to do as much as possible while at the same time try not to overwhelm myself

i do have a question, tho
if it takes several years to get to a high level, how can you be sure you remember all your burned items?
now that i say that, i realise youā€™ve probably all reset a few times


(as someone on her 3rd year of durtling with nearly 3000 burned) this is why itā€™s important to be reading native content. This way you get exposure to lots of the words youā€™ve burned and itā€™s a simple test to see if you can recall the meaning and reading. :slight_smile:


i suppose thatā€™s true
iā€™m only just starting out, and iā€™m focusing on kanji (and vocab, which i wouldnā€™t have bothered with if not for wanikani) for now
tā€™was my new yearā€™s resolution to learn some :3c
iā€™ll deal with grammar later
i do actually have a few japanese books that i think are for sixth graders
so iā€™ll be looking at those once in a while to see how much more i can read


Indeed. I also wrote a comment on another thread about a technique I call a ā€˜rolling resetā€™.

Iā€™m still currently continuing with this ongoing rolling reset. Itā€™s even to the point that Iā€™m re-burning the items I reset.

While Iā€™m currently at level 28 (a few more days left), Iā€™m also in the process of rolling-resetting my burned items from level 18. And over the course of the last several months, I have already rolling-reset levels 1-17, and Iā€™m already re-burning items at around level 8 to 9.

In this process, Iā€™ve become a lot more confident that I ā€˜really knowā€™ all the items Iā€™ve previously burned. Most of them were quite straightforward, and I re-burned them without any mistakes. Maybe about 30% of them give me any trouble at all, and maybe about 5-10% I might call ā€˜leechesā€™. But the SRS just does its magic thing and eventually I re-learn those ones again, and finally re-burn them as well. In comparison to new lessons, all of them except perhaps the leeches are much easier in terms of mental energy required.

And, in some ways, doing a rolling reset has actually been helpful for me to enjoy Durtling the Scenic Route, since the ā€˜old friendsā€™ are less mentally taxing and I have a higher accuracy with them, so I get more ā€˜positive feedbackā€™ during my review sessions.

You might think re-doing all those early items would be boring or overwhelming. But itā€™s actually not (for me at least). Itā€™s actually enjoyable. Pleasant, even! Whoā€™da thunk it?!