:durtle_hello: Let's Durtle the Scenic Route šŸ¢

Since I leveld to 6 Iā€™ve only done a few batches.
So going slooow. :caught_durtling: :turtle:


I dinged dinged again. Felt like forever this time, though :slight_smile:


Congrats! :durtle_noice:

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Wowwwwwww!!! You are definitely winning as the slowest! Respect! I will worry a bit less about not having enough apprentices for my daily reviews! It is much nicer to absorb the kanjis/vocabs slowly instead of having to swallow huge batches of new content at once!

I think I am doing it at a very similar speed to yours!!! I do around 5 or 0 lessons per day. It is rare for me to do much more than that, but I especially like to do it at the beginning of a new lvl to see a 0/0 show up! I am trying to keep up with the 0/0 challenge once a level just for the fun of it!

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I havenā€™t had the time to do my reviews everyday, so couldnā€™t justify adding more lessons.
Iā€™ll do some again now and then, and level when I level :durtle_noice:
When I do get around to do reviews I can still manage to do what has come in and get zero, since my numbers arenā€™t that high.

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Iā€™ve never seen the 0/0, the closest Iā€™ve been I think has been 13 lessons left, but I had already donde 10 and I certainly thought it was too much. Right now I have like 57 new lessons, so, no way.


As long as you always finish vocab lessons from the level before before you level again, that is what truly matters. The 0/0 is mostly a way to make sure of it, since you canā€™t have the zero with lessons left from last level. But can be hard if you guru kanji just before level up, making current level vocab appear before you get the zero. They arenā€™t as important. :durtle_love:

It is ok to have level 3 vocab left in lessons at level 4. If you still have level 3 lessons left at level 5 it has been left over.

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I use to finish my vocab before I start the new level items, in fact this level is the first time I havenā€™t done it, to be more efficient, but Iā€™ll finish my vocab from level 4 before Iā€™m done with the radicals from level 5.

This is my proposed schedule:




14/3: 5 KANJI+6 VOCAB

15/3: 5 KANJI+ 6 VOCAB

16/3: 5 KANJI + 6 VOCAB

17/3: 4 KANJI+6 VOCAB

18/3: 4 KANJI+ 6 VOCAB

19/3: 4 KANJI + 6 VOCAB

20/3: 4 KANJI+ 6 VOCAB

21/3: 4 KANJI + 6 VOCAB

22/3: 4 KANJI + 6 VOCAB


24/3: 10 VOCAB

25/3: 10 VOCABā€”ā€”PROBABLE LEVEL UP, 43 REMAINING LESSONS (17 Days on level)

Iā€™ve just never came close to the 0 lessons, in fact I think Iā€™ve been closer now that Iā€™m filtering a little bit to do some vocab everyday and not have all the vocab in the end. I always feel like trying to get the 0/0 would too much load, maybe itā€™d be not, I donā€™t know.


To get the zero zero I finish the vocab before doing the kanji, that way I assure I get the zero before I level. But as long as you do the left over ones early next level that is what matters most :durtle_noice:


Maybe Iā€™ll try at some point :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I noticed that for me the vocab and kanji from a level really sink in at the very end of a level so when I get the extra batch of vocab from Guruing the second set of kanji (after finishing the radicals), itā€™s okay. Itā€™s the beginning of each level that is more challenging.

I also started using Anki a lot more and learning readings (especially onā€™yomi) through vocab rather than kanji alone, but the way WaniKani introduces meaning of each kanji, first through radicals, then the kanji itself, is still extremely valuable.

I just wish they would use the actual Chinese meanings for some radicals, because for instance helicopter and triceratops are funny, but meaning-wise not that useful in the long run :stuck_out_tongue: .


This thread is wonderful.
I was first levelling up on full speed but had over 200 apprentice which only got bigger and bigger. So, I am going to take level 10 slowā€¦
Right now I am at 67 apprentice Iā€™ll just share a pic

So currently my goal is to lower that apprentice to 10, then start with more lessons and grammar.


@Gymgirl That is pretty much what I do! I love seeing the 0/0 there, hehehe that really motivates me. So I am trying to spend a loooooong time finishing slowly all the vocabs from the previous lvl before I do any new radical or kanji. Unless most of my previous vocabs are already guru I donā€™t even touch the new lessons. So I end up having many days that I do 0 lessons. When I finally finish with all vocabs and I start doing the lessons for the new radical and kanjis, I can do 5 to 10 lessons a day for about 4 days before getting new lessons (before I review the radicals enough for new kanji to be unlocked). So I have time to finish them and get my 0/0! Right now my kanjis are unlocking so slowly that I am actually having several 0/0 days!

I am obviously still lvl 3, maybe this strategy wonā€™t work anymore for the next lvls?


I also wish they would at least show us what the real name of the radical is somewhere. Just out of curiosity!
Anyway, you writing ā€œtriceratopsā€ there just triggered me, hahahaha! I HATE writing it everytime it appears. suuuuuuuch a long word. I wish I could just write 'trice" or something like this. I havenā€™t got around to adding a shortcut as a synonym because I feel like I am tricking the system hehe.


@Belthazar already wrote something like that here. Youā€™ll notice that some WaniKani radicals arenā€™t actual radicals, but they were added for our convenience :slight_smile: .

I actually added quite some synonyms already, because I was a little frustrated with the overuse of common terms like ā€œimportantā€ and there are kanji like č²  (defeat) where that really helps to focus on the more nuanced meaning.


I did that always, I finished all the vocab from level 3 before touching any level 4 (and same for level 2-3 too), and it took me at least a week (the whole level 4 took me 25 days, so certainly I wasnā€™t fast at all) but I always seem to guru some radicals that unlock new kanji before finishing the previous Kanji and then I end up guruing the kanji before finishing the previous vocab so I just canā€™t get the 0/0. Maybe is something about when I do reviews and lessons.


I do all the vocabs first, then do all kanji in a few days, so I get all out before the first kanji guru.
Other way is to save 4 kanji, guru the rest and do their vocab, then do last ones.
I love getting the zero zero, but honestly, your structure is good paced for learning. More important than the zero.

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A group for slowpokes? Iā€™m in. Apparently Iā€™ve been on level two for a week and a half, already. Iā€™ve gotta a long, slow slog ahead of me.


Welcome!!! =D
Yes, good durteling indeed!


@AndyMender wow!!! This list from @Belthazar is really interesting! I didnā€™t know about that topic!!! Thank you for linking it here for me!! It is nice to have that as a reference!!! :heart: