Leech Squashing

You made it this far… Surely by now you know the kanji parts are nearly meaningless.


These seem like two pretty straightforward pairs of transitive/intransitive words using the kanji 傷, but I realize I’ve been confusing them for a while now:

kanji reading “いた”
傷む (intrans.)
傷める (trans.)

kanji reading "きず”
傷つく (intrans.)
傷つける (trans.)

Keeping transitive/intransitive straight should be easy, since the okurigana patterns aren’t unusual (in fact, the okurigana of 傷つく and 傷つける, without the kanji actually are the transitivity pair for “turn on”)

I think it’s the meanings causing confusion, and I realize what’s secretly leechy about these: the meaning (“hurt” or “damage”) for the vocab pair is actually opposite of what the reading of the kanji was leading me to believe.

The pair with the reading “いた” (which I subconsciously associate with “hurt” or “pain” because of 痛 words) are the pair that don’t have the meaning “to hurt”

傷める いためる to damage
傷む いたむ to be damaged

Whereas the pair with the reading “きず” (which seems like it should mean “damage” because of the vocab 傷) are the pair that have the primary meanings “hurt”

傷つく きずつく to get hurt
傷つける きずつける to hurt someone

PS - WK does actually accept “to damage” for 傷つける, but doesn’t accept “to be damaged” for 傷つく (which, according to jisho, would be correct). So, if you add “to get damaged” as a synonym for 傷つく, you could actually just use the “damage” meanings for all four and not technically be wrong…


My major leeches are 行う (おこなう - to carry out a task) and 出来る (できる - to be able to do) because I learned them around the same time and their meanings are a lot less direct than most other verbs I’ve learned. (Also it doesn’t help that おこなう is such a weird reading for me.) I have no problem when they’re part of another vocab word, but individually my mind always mixes up the two and they swing from master to apprentice every time.

I’ve added more synonyms to help me remember, especially since their meanings are so nebulous that I can’t always remember the exact English words WaniKani wants either. Hopefully my mind has straightened them out!


Much like the basic 作る and 使う…

除く(のぞく) and 残す (のこす)

It’s the problem with similar sounds.


The grass 艹 in amass 蓄 refers to plants and it has something to do with storing edible plants for winter while the 畜 part is phonetic.

Livestock 畜 consists of field 田 and rope 玄. I’ll let you figure out the connection :slight_smile:


拝む お
犯す、侵す お

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I just couldn’t remember the meaning of 間もなく。Then, I decided to read the mmemonic and it seems like it fixed my problem.



Not like this is terribly helpful but the only thing that made 間もなく stick for me (after getting it wrong constantly) was going back to Japan and hearing it a zillion times while waiting for the train. A quick “ah ha!” moment and have remembered it ever since


NO WAY THIS IS SOOOOO PERFECT! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

It’s literally the first word :joy:


Meaning Answered Correct

Current Streak 1

Reading Answered Correct

Current Streak 6

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I like how those train arrival announcements almost always begin with 間もなく, but they seem to find subtly different ways to say the rest of the message.

My local station is 間もなく上り/下り電車が参ります。危険ですから黄色い線の内側でお待ちください。


yess~ real immersion in unbeatable in many ways~☆ i got remove many lecch item with a situation like this~

my recent leech above is meaning of 「操作」but after im fill in some questionnaire containing sentences 「平板状の外形を備え、タッチパネルあるいはペン入力操作」 i get my 「心得る」instantly!!

chance if not in Japan、try to search material (net article、books) contained your leech word and consume them instead of multiple wrong attempt at SRS~

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You’re so right about the subtle differences. It always changes depending on the station and company, but I find it interesting listening out for the announcements.

I often hear 到着いたします instead of 参ります、and 危ないですから黄色い線までお下がりください 。

I’m struggling to remember but I’m pretty sure I’ve heard both 白線の内側にさがってお待ちください, or 白線の内側でお待ちください

My current favourite is 電車とホームの間が広く開いております, maybe because it took me the longest to be able to hear properly.

I do enjoy the train announcements. :joy:

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It’s weird the layers of confusion that can be happening all at once:

I’ve been trying to figure out why I keep instinctively typing せきたん for 石垣 (いしがき, stone wall).

But now I realize the problem is the second kanji: 垣 – I’m visually confusing that with 担, which is causing me to not only mis-read that kanji but also the kanji before it.

Plus, I realize there is, in fact, a word in WK with the reading せきたん: 石炭 (coal) – so part of the problem is that this incorrect reading doesn’t sound wrong in my head.

so yeah:
石垣 いしがき stone wall
石炭 せきたん coal

石担 - not a word

Hopefully I’m done missing these guys


These ones have been coming back again and again… Some were Enlightened on their way to Burned and dropped down to Guru, then have been stuck in the Guru-Master-Guru-Apprentice cycle.


Except for 老人… that one’s new. Had no idea what it was when I saw it today… I was like “ようじん?” with no clue what it meant.

I keep mixing up 感謝 with 感心. The first is GRATITUDE, and THANKS… because it’s very Japanese to APOLOGIZE when you mean to say THANK YOU. (ie: すみません。)… The second one, ADMIRATION, I keep getting wrong. So I occasionally think when I see 感謝 that it is admiration, which it ISN’T. O.O. This is why I got it wrong today. When I get 感心 wrong… I usually type in “feelings”… because feelings in your heart… would still be feelings… because that’s generally considered where feelings come from (not actually physically, but…)…

That’s probably the worst pairing right now. Blargh.

(Mostly just here to complain. Hoping I will remember 感謝 and 感心 better now that I’ve posted about it. And also 人生 (human nature, NOT humanity), and 大事 だいじ is important and NOT たいじ, and 人数 is rendaku’d, and 数年 is SEVERAL YEARS - all vague and not a specific “number of years” that I keep typing… O.o Blargh…)


Classical and typical

Classical 古典的
Typical 典型的

Wording and flattery (both here seem to be exceptions for me.)

措辞 wording
世辞 flattery

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お大事に is quite a common saying, btw.


Just about anything ending in 所 or 場 kills me every single time. I’ve come this close to literally writing them down on a post-it note and sticking it on my desk because they’ve been sitting there for years and every time I almost burn it I get it wrong and slam it all the way back down.


Classical has old 古 as its first kanji. Usually, classical refers to something that’s old – classical music, classical architecture, etc.

Typical has rule 典 as its first kanji. Something you use as a rule is probably very typical.

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not kanji though~ but im bitter with~


also why 「満員」 set as 「sold out」 as default answer? is 「sold out」 in english same with full/packed people・no vacancies

my understanding 「sold out」 is out of stock、running out of goods、i wonder full train is same as sold out~

can i say 「 train was sold out this morning」 instead 「 train was packed of people this morning」?


No, they’re not the same. Sometimes people say ‘the train was sold out’ but that’s really a shortening for ‘all the train tickets were sold out’. It only makes sense on reserved seat trains. A Yamanote-sen train, for example, can’t be sold out - but it can be 満員, right?

I added ‘full of people’ as a synonym and I think this is a case where it’s totally acceptable to just add ‘manin’ as well and forget about the English translation.