Leech Detector

How about Burn Items only?

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This hits home too hard…

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Just want to point out that a derivative from your pen, https://codepen.io/smrq/full/eEJdEG/ is very useful… I bookmarked this one. Since it saves the API key, and this link goes directly to a full webpage.


Wow thank you for this, I have been struggling to get through a big backlog and can see with this tool what I need to focus on. This is kind of embarrassing but anyone want to try and beat my high score of 32? :sweat_smile:

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Is it possible to make it calculate “Total Leech Score”, or “Leechness Rating”?


Gah, I needed this so badly. I’m starting to cycle the same items over and over again. Just looking at my worst items is filling me with a sense of dread.

When is an item no longer a leech? When it’s score is 0.5? 0.25? 0.1? Any opinions on this? (Please don’t say when it’s burned…)

Right now the list shows the top 50, but how many leeches do I actually have?!

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holy god in heaven!!!
I’ve needed something like that for so long!!!
that’s incredible!!
I just can’t say how much it mean to me, I’ve so many leechers, now I’ll be able to write them down and remove them finally.
Thank you so much, I wish I could express myself more

Item 四月
Worst reading
Wrong 33
Streak 6
Score 2.2


Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Your Lie in April.

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Leech Detector and the fork aren’t usable in Vacation Mode. I have to disable Vacation Mode first. Is this setting right, @viet?

I have no idea how the detector processes API information. You’ll need to ask the author.

It’s be really interesting to know how many people make this mistake, and for how LONG

I’m at LEVEL 17, I leared it a year ago and STILL it’s a leech!

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There is actually a pretty simple rule that I didn’t realize until several weeks ago myself: if the vocab has 業 in it, then it’s always industry. Otherwise it’s construction.

That would work, except I also confuse it with 作業, “work, operation, and manufacturing” (but not industry) in the sense of “manufacturing” being like “construction” and 工作 also meaning “handicraft”

So I have the same problem but in the exact opposite way you do?


Ah yes, I forgot about 作業. That one trips me up as well.

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Thank you for this!!

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Guh. Mine is infinitely loading. Does that mean I just have WAAAAY too many leeches and I’ve broken it, or is something else going on?

This seems to be hapenning with both @StellaTerra and @smrq’s stuff.

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Seems like it only works with API 1, while API 2 makes it load into eternity.


@redglare :hugs: you are my hero.

Now, it’s time to go cry over my leech list.:sweat_smile: