In the lesson, 入る was introduced for “to enter”, in the vocab review, however, I am confronted with 入り and 入って, both of which I have never seen before, but both of which being associated to the reading and meaning of 入る. Is that right or a bug? If it is right, could someone explain to me why those are synonyms? The lesson introduced the う ending as a verb indicator, but those other two examples do not have that and still list as the same verb with the same reading. I am confused.
The 入り you’re referring to is actually the word 入り口 (entrance), so that’s not the same word.
入って is a conjugation of the verb 入る. Were you aware that verbs in Japanese are inflected? Verbs in their dictionary form, what you learn in the lesson, do always end in an う sound, but other forms often don’t.
The example sentences use the words in a variety of ways that you might encounter them in the real world, conjugated in various ways.
WaniKani doesn’t address how to conjugate verbs though, so you’ll need another resource for more general Japanese studies.
I just learnt that this was a result of the userscript wk context that implicitly requires grammar knowledge as it adds conjugations that were never explained by the WK lessons.
When I was reviewing these I also saw that issue and got them wrong very frequently and as I progressed it continued to confuse and hinder my progress. I just turned it off a couple of days ago. I do think it can be useful and help with context but not this early on in our studies. At least not until we get textbooks and learn about grammar. I’d recommend keeping it off until you do that.
To copy across the question you asked in another thread but then deleted, because I think it’s worth addressing:
Basically it’s the okurigana (= the tacked-on hiragana that’s being conjugated) that tells you which reading of 上 is being used - 上って is のぼって. 上がる and 上げる in ~て form are 上がって and 上げて respectively.
It’s worth starting to learn the grammar now, and certainly begin with how verbs are conjugated.
That’s not to say there aren’t times where the okurigana is identical and you have to just figure it out with context 開く and 開く, 避ける and 避ける, etc.
But 99% of the time the okurigana will tell you what you need to know to figure out the reading.
Yeah, and 入る and 入る, but I wasn’t too sure I wanted to throw that particular spanner into the works.
Yeah that seems like a weird script to have if you haven’t done any grammar. Even after almost 2 years I still get the て-forms mixed up from time to time.
Man I would have completely blanked on this. I’m used to seeing it as 登っている. lol
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