Learning words i'll never use

this is what I’m here for. Botany debates.


I wonder if we’ll make it to 700 posts again.

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Continuing the discussion from Wanikani is just not useful enough, but could be:

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Yet here you are using it :wink:

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And 鰐 – for the equally inevitable day approaching when everything becomes alligators.

Took this picture at the supermarket while getting groceries tonight. Lots and lots of 柿の木. Could not find any peaches :wink:


I want some fuji apples now…

The real question: Were there mandarins, clementines or satsumas in the store? :thinking:

Or tachibana, iyokan, ponkan, yuzu, kabosu, dekopon, bushukan…

They seem to love their citrus varieties in Japan.

ewww grosss なす :face_vomiting:


There were satsuma, although if I am correct, they are generally (almost always) called mikan here (satsuma being the name used in America and some other places). Mikan is very similar to mandarin (looks almost identical, slightly different taste - stronger/bolder so they say but I cannot really tell the difference). There were some other oranges as well, but I did not check what sort, since if there are mikan available, that is what I am getting.

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Did not notice. Not all are in season at the moment, so likely not. Lots of apples though.


Ah yes, 林檎 :wink:

Punnet of grapes just sneaking in under the 1000 yen mark there. More than I’d care to pay…

Yeah, grapes here are expensive compared to back home. Never buy them here unless I find a really good deal. Not as bad as watermelon, but close.

Punnet - my new English vocab for the day. First time I have ever seen that word.

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WaniKani could do with a lot more customisability like BunPro. With words like this it would be handy to have an option to remove from reviews as the user wishes.

一夫多妻. But then again, I don’t live in Utah.


If you watch Harem anime, maybe…

Especially when the idea that “it’s the fastest way to learn 2000 kanji” when it takes around 2 to 3 years to complete if you’re not insane (a speed runner). When you could probably do that in about 1/3rd of the time in Anki. But honestly in that situation just use Anki.

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In that case, presuming that the vocab words were chosen with the intention of reinforcing a kanji which I am learning, and I then remove the vocab that were chosen to help drill home that kanji, I am getting less practice with that kanji.