Kitsun trouble creating custom deck

I hope it’s okay for me to answer here, I cannot access Kitsun forums without vpn unfortunately xD

What I would do with this is to just set my 10k daily lessons at 0, and add words from that google spreadsheet (I think you found it, so no problems there). So copy the words from each level, N5-N2, maybe delete the repeated ones immediately (not sure if those are common on that list) and add them to the front of the queue on 10k, word and then a sentence. The sentences are on the different layout, so you have to click here to add those too → image

If you do it like above, the order in that case would be like “word + word audio” and then “sentence + sentence audio”, so I guess it can kinda solve that? :thinking: You would hear the audio for the sentence right after the word in your lessons.

There are only 2 cards per one word: one for the word itself and one for the sentence. If you mean layouts, then there are 4 layouts for the word: Recognition (Japanese → English), Recall (English → Japanese), Comprehension (Audio → English) and Reading (Japanese → Japanese Reading, I have this one disabled).
And there are 2 layouts for the sentences: Comprehension (Audio) and Recognition (Reading).

You can disable any of those if you want to, you would technically know the Vocab Reading if you have English to Japanese, so I just have that disabled and I say the reading of the kanji when I review them.

For examples you can use the links above on the card to see more, if you want to :smile:

What I would also recommend is to go to 10k settings and in Study Session enable Autoplay front audio (so that you don’t need to click the play button for it every time, you can do that with back audio as well if you want), and Delay card siblings, have that at 24 or maybe 23 hours, but it’s your choice. That would allow you to see different layouts, like English-Japanese or Audio-English, after 24 hours, so that you don’t “cheat” on them. It works great for me, but you can do as you wish:)

There are also options for no typos allowed or just typo warning, so make sure to look into those!