Good morning everyone!
A long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away I noticed that I was making good progress on WaniKani, but could not handwrite for the life of me. Therefore for the past ~6 months, I’ve been working (extremely) on and off on a project I call KanjiStad. The aim was to get up a random vocab from x amounts of WaniKani levels with 1 hidden kanji which you would be tasked to draw.
For example, I may be shown the vocab 頑Oる, along with its reading, がんばる and its meaning “To do one’s best, etc.”, then you are tasked to draw the kanji hidden by the O, in this case, 張. See the example screenshot below:
It finally became somewhat usable today, so I felt I would share it if anyone wanted to use it.
If you do want to learn to handwrite better though, I would recommend pairing this with an Anki deck since learning from this would be pure brute force. On a tangent, I also made a simple website which pulls a bunch of data for all the kanji on WaniKani and puts it in a format you can import into anki which you can find here.
Ramble over, you can find a link to the website here: Kanji Stad v3: Electric Boogaloo
If you do end up using it and finding any critical problems, please feel free to let me know and I’ll get to it once I have time, otherwise you can make a pull request on GitHub as well, though the code is, let’s just say not very good…