Kanjis with no Vocabulary

Speak of the devil, I just came across that word in my current book.
Baader-Meinhof in full swing.

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Agreed. I keep failing to burn these lone-wolf kanji. I guess they exist only to “inflate” the number of kanji that WK advertises as teaching.

By what, 8? If they really wanted to do that, you’d think they’d choose more than that. They’ll either add names or remove the items eventually I imagine.

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Absofruitly not. It’s pretty rare to NOT come across them quite a bit in a book meant for natives. You might just be consuming more basic content if that’s not the case

Even in my shitty romcom light novels they are pretty common and those aren’t exactly the most refined and fancy pieces of literature you can find.

If they wanted to inflate the number of kanji, it’d be much easier to just stick in the rest of the joyo kanji than rummage through the jinmeiyo kanji for ones that look interesting.


When will 蚕 finally get some love :cry:


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