Kanji synonim for every vocabulary

I was looking for an add-on to wanikani automaticly adding an synonim of kanji that vocab is made of.
Does anyone know something like that?

Just to make im understanding correctly, for example you would want mouth to be added as a valid answer for 入口?

No, I know it is stange, but for exaple “Adult”, synonim ‘Big + person’

I’m not sure if that would be particularly helpful since that is not what 大人 means.


And to add to that, compounds of kanji don’t always translate to a logical combination of their meanings. For 大人 it makes some sense, especially in some languages (in Dutch for instance, “big people” is a childlike way of referring to adults), but that’s definitely not always going to be the case and I feel like the further along you get the less you’re going to see that kind of thing.

I mean, take 心配 for instance - something related to distributing hearts might make a good mnemonic but it doesn’t particularly equate to “worry”. Accepting “heart distribute” as a synonym just seems counterproductive.

@tymek805 what exactly are you trying to accomplish? As in, what problem are you trying to solve?


心 is metaphorical and embodies the idea of the feeling mind rather than a literal heart. Worries are the thoughts that one’s heart get’s “distributed” to. For me this seemed like one of the most logical and clever word spellings so far.


Really? Even with that explanation it seems a little far-fetched to me, to be honest :sweat_smile: But I can see where you’re coming from.

But still, the point remains - accepting “heart distribute” or even “mind distribute” or something of the sort wouldn’t really be productive. If that’s the way you remember it, by all means add it as a user synonym - after all, it’s about understanding the concept a word expresses, not about knowing the right English wording to keep WaniKani happy - but to accept it by default would basically render the vocab items useless because you could just list the kanji and be done with it, never knowing what the word means.

o(TヘTo) I'll show you far-fetched...



Does what it says on the tin

10/10 would click again


I think the best examples of words where just sticking the kanji together isn’t going to result in anything useful are probably ateji. Accepting “lifespan director” for 寿司(すし) would just be weird. The same can be said for “swamp mountain” for 沢山(たくさん). Although some non-ateji words are also quite obscure :grin:


Those are some very mask white面白い examples… Yeah, ateji is another very good reason why this idea probably wouldn’t result in anything good.


naturally as you progress in your program your mind will start making associations. I find writing out sentences different ways on DeepL really interesting as I get numerous suggestions.

I use also KaniWani, where you have to type hiragana basing on an english definition. Because of many synonyms typing answer can be really flustrating because definition may apply to several words. And there is option to have synonyms from WaniKani displayed during reviews. Based on that I have thought that having ‘names’ of kanji that the word is made of may do the thing.

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Ah, gotcha… Yeah, that part is frustrating for sure. It’s why I went for KameSame - with synonyms, it will tell you “you’re correct, but we were looking for XXX”, which makes the whole experience a lot better.

I still think it would be counterproductive though, since you’re essentially giving yourself the answer as a synonym, even if you don’t know the word at all. But I can definitely see why you’d want something like that. The amount of synonyms for “girl” for instance is just… ugh.

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Thanks! Definitely going to try the app.
As for conterproductivity I just wanted to have some way to refresh vocab, without getting stucked on one word cause of different definition.

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