Do you just learn the vocab of the kanji with the most used reading? Or do you learn the most used kun’yomi and on’yomi readings together with the vocab?
It’s not much of an issue, I rarely run into new kanji since I also have a deck on the side and it has a fair bit amount of other kanji that isn’t learned through WK. It’s not much of an issue anyway since it’s not too common that I run into them and when I do I just check them out quickly and move on with the immersion.
Don’t do any dedicated kanji study apart from my remaining reviews on WK (and the odd here and there in my other deck) since it’s not really needed, unless I want to go for kanken pre 1 or something.
No need to have created a new thread
Ideally, you just learn the vocabulary itself. Non-WK kanji will most of the time only have 2 relevant words to learn if anything.
Is there a daily thread where you ask questions that doesn’t need a thread of themselves?
I haven’t been visiting these forums for a big while, but I don’t think so. Either way, it’s fine to continue the discussion on your own thread, that’s how people roll in here
(technically I didn’t finish Wanikani, I decided it had served its purpose and stopped at something like level 58 lol)
Honestly unlike @x90PT I feel like I run into new kanji very frequently, but it could be what I’m reading.
That said, my whole process is just to read and put new words to me in Anki; that’s it. Direct kanji studying was really valuable to me to get over the initial hurdles, but over the course of using WK you get a good intuition for how to break down and look at kanji easier. Ultimately all that matters is if you knew a word or not; directly studying kanji is an intermediate learning step towards that goal, but you probably don’t need it forever.
I see a new vocabulary in context first, then if I find the Kanji worth learning more, I look up all common vocabularies, plus vocabularies I should have known, associated with the Kanji.
Then perhaps some vocabularies associated with the remaining Kanji readings. In any case, Kanji readings in the dictionary are going to be the last I care about.
It is also possible that some supposedly Kun’yomi, aren’t listed as such in a dictionary.
Some vocabularies may also have a new Kanji that I don’t find worth remembering (for the time being). For example, when I can guess the reading as well as meaning, anyway. Or I expect those to have Furigana, or rarely written only in Kanji at all.
If you’re reading novels I’m sure you run into a bunch of them. I’ve found youtube videos, anime and j-dramas have fairly few kanji that I run into that I don’t know. Could also be that I’m at 60% through the 10K vocab deck and done quite a bit of immersion that I’ve forgotten where I learned what and just picked up alot of them unconciously.
Yep, differences in materials, I’m reading novels and visual novels daily so they pull out some interesting ones. I was kinda excluding this mentally because it’s too obvious but I’ve dipped into old writing a few times too, which can certainly amplify that.
I wish I could give pointers, but I’m still getting a feel for how to do it.
The basics is to engage in " “book” "clubs that might actually be listening clubs or watching media X or playing X clubs… - basically, to make use of the community no just on here but also other places.
Tbh, when it’s just me, I find little motivation to go beyond just making a rambling list of words I encounter, and to post their translations from Jisho. But, for more engage things, I wanna get chatty about things and I guess, it’s also a way to bring up grammar and such, even though I rarely do, for reasons. In any case, @XPizzaMCX just get involved in the community and get into Japanese is the way to do it!
Already diving into novels, impressive, keep it up. Gotta do the same real soon.
Thank you! From my impression of what you’ve done up to this point, I think you’ll definitely find them perfectly manageable.
Depends on the context. We have the Non Grammar and Grammar threads already, however this and 2 other of your threads already have tons of valuable answers which you can find using the search option in the top right corner.
I don’t go out of my way to learn new kanji, but I do tend to look up all the unknown words while reading books and stuff. Whenever there’s a new kanji, I just take a quick look at the meanings, on’yomi and kun’yomi readings for reference, not necessarily for the sake of memorizing them, but just to see what kind of vocab is associated with the kanji, whether it is adjective, verb, noun, random ateji etc. Sometimes the kanji is an older/another form of a more commonly used kanji, so that tends to make it easier to remember. For example how あう can be expressed as 会う, 遭う and 逢う (even if the nuance for each of those are/can be different).
There are times when I look up the kanji to check for all the vocab it appears in, but that’s not often. Sometimes I trace the kanji by its strokes to break it down to its radicals, so to speak, so I don’t immediately forget it, but that’s about it. As long as I keep looking up unknown words, I learn them sooner or later and the kanji as well as a consequence of that.
Leebo’s new challenger?
Yeah, distinguishing Kanji is a bigger problem, especially if you care a little about typing with an IME.
Actual shapes aren’t that important, only the sounds / Kana.
I and many others did no explicit kanji study after wk. It’s unnecessary if you just want to learn how to read.
I just learned words as I came across them, and the kanji happened to be a piece of that word. Similar to just learning “abduct”'s pronunciation and meaning rather than also bothering to learn that the root “ab” means “away”. Many kanji you’ll learn will only use certain readings in a single word/or only appear in one word to begin with, anyways.
I have an Anki deck of kanji that I copy-paste from Jisho.
As Vanilla here mentioned, it’s probably not super necessary. At this point, I just find it stimulating more than anything else. Studying kanji did help with the 150-ish jо̄yо̄ kanji that WaniKani doesn’t have, but now I’m adding jinmeiyо̄ kanji, which I almost never see in the wild.
Since I hit level 60, I’ve been trying to put more of my Japanese study into immersion. I try to center my practice around reading/listening without English. I sometimes go weeks without adding new items, though. Guessing from context is good practice too.
EDIT: If you’re interested, here’s a thread about my deck. I just updated the link, so the deck has 460 kanji now.
It’s different because you’re less focused on the specific kanji and more on words. So you’re not really memorizing kanji, but you may as well memorize it as a byproduct.
I come across new words and kanji during reading all the time. Frequency wise they don’t appear often, so it’s more a curiosity than a necessity.
Could you have done this without using Wanikani at all or did Wanikani enable you to to lean Kanji more effectively than if you had just learnt Kanji as you came across it when reading?
Speaking as someone who is about to finish WK, I will start another SRS, probably kitsun
I suck at learning new stuff just by reading (Dori’s brain here), I need repetition to get stuck in my mind, otherwise I forget it minutes after I look it up.