~ JLPT 2020 ~

“Teilweise wissen die Menschen aber auch nicht, dass sie die D-Mark immer noch kostenlos bei der Bundesbank umtauschen können”

Oh that’s interesting. Here even banks stopped taking Marks many years ago (2012). I found my grandfather’s coin stash and now it’s just metal junk…


I think it’s because people are still hoarding that much, so they decided to still accept it (although I think the official deadline is long passed). There are even some shops that still accept Deutsche Mark, I heard…


I know of a bar in Leipzig, where you can still pay with deutsche mark XD


Thanks for sharing. Eagerly anticipating the application date!

If anyone else from WK fancies a drink or something to eat after the July JLPT in London, please let me know! Would be good to meet some fellow students and share experiences of our tests. :smiley:


Hey what do you think.

I failed the JLPT N4 in December by 9 points.
Grammar is my weak point.
Should I restart and try N5 or try N4 again?


Nah, keep going forward and you’ll make better progress. If you really want to take JLPT just aim for N3.


Can you take N4 test right away, skipping N5?

I started learning Japanese one month ago.
So far my tools are:

  • Elementary Japanese textbook and Human Japanese App for grammar, vocabulary, reading and listening.
  • WaniKani for kanji and vocabulary
  • Duolingo when commuting
  • Practice sheets for kanji
  • Youtube and anime for listening

I do WK every day, and study grammar\reading\writing for ~8 hours on weekend. Sometimes a couple of hours during the week. So far i can read and write in kana, know about 200 hundred words (70 kanji), and very basic grammar.

I plan to take N4 in December while skipping N5 in Kiev Ukraine. (anyone from Ukraine?)


Oh yeah. You can take the JLPT in any order.

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If I ever feel bored, I might just take the N5 for funsies.
Collect all the certificates. Lol
I want N1 first though.


Gotta catch 'em all~


At first I was thinking about take jlpt n4 in December, but now I’m considering taking it in July, in Madrid (Spain).
For now my resources are wanikani, genki 2, shin kanzen master and bunpro for grammar and maybe nihongo challenge for reading and vocabulary.

Does someone have some advice? I think this will be enough to pass, but maybe I’m missing something.


For those of you who are re-taking a level of the JLPT how are you going about studying for it? Is it just purely review or are you doing something different than what you did your first time around.


I wanted to take take N2 this summer, but I’m not sure if I can make it when I start now (on the other hand, if I start now I could 1. Pass in summer or 2. Retake in December with everything I’ve learned so far)

I did pass N3 a few years back with a good score:)


I’ll probably not take N3 in July after all.
The only reason I have for taking it, is to get a higher score. But the actual certificate doesn’t change. I’d just have 2 of them then. Doesn’t really justify spending over 100 euro.

So, my plan now, is to just continue my N3 studies, finish the book, then do a JLPT N3 online. And see what my score would approximately be. Then continue on to study for N2. At my current course, the N3 book will be finished in June. So I’ll even save myself an extra month.


I saw a few people already mention this in the thread but I will not be doing the JLPT in July (London) as originally planned mainly due to the £100 cost!

I was going to take the N4 in July but January and the beginning of this month has been a bit crazy and my reviews/lessons have taken a hit as has my grammar and reading practices. I want to ensure I pass so I’ll be creating a solid study plan over the next week leading up to December where I hope to be very prepared.


I think you can easily get to N4 in a year. I’m hoping so anyway. I’m around N5/N4 now and hope to do N3 in December. Take the N4 in July.


That sounds like enough! I’d make sure to do some listening practice too though. I felt out of my depth going into N5 in December with no exam listening practice at all. I thought just general life would have been enough (it was and I got a good score but I think it was because it was heavily weighted). I was thrown off that we only got to listen to each question once and just couldn’t concentrate that well either. I wish I had practiced just to prepare myself.


I’ve decided! I’ll take N3 in July while I’m in Japan.


Not July this year, but I’m passing N2 this December. It’s HAPPENING.


yes it freaking is :muscle: :triumph:

n y e h I never thought that I would pass N3 but somehow the 1% chance happened (must have been some serious grade curving going on idk) and now I don’t know what to do with myself ._. I’m not even supposed to be studying japanese this year because my parents think I’ve gotten too into it for just a hobby and they want me to focus on school. Toronto only does JLPT in December so … N2? Maybe??? pls ;-; also I should probably get back to WaniKani reviews as well … ;>-> since I knew all the kanji I needed for N3 I left to do grammar and reading and shiz but I should come back now