JLPT 2019!

I don’t do this but a possibly related observation: I try to study grammar on my own and I can remember some of the easy, obvious stuff. But I have only really “learned” it when I talked it through with my iTalki teacher. She explains it in her own way, I write her explanation down when I find it helpful. I try to actively use the grammar in some sentences, fail, get corrected - repeat that cycle a couple of times over the next lessons… and then eventually it sticks. I really think that talking about it helps me to remember it.

I also like having one favorite example sentence for every piece of grammar. This sentence will help me remember the usage and hopefully the nuance too. In a way, this is a bit similar to a kanji mnemonic. (for example, "この写真を見るたびに、日本の旅行を思い出します。"will always bring back the memory of how I talked to my teacher about this and why たびに is used here )

Other than that, I have some Anki decks with sample sentences (one that is based on An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese and also this one: A minimalist Anki Grammar Drill deck ) but they mostly serve as little refreshes or preview for new grammar points, I can not learn grammar via that way alone.

Finally, I made a large google spreadsheet because I was having exactly this problem:

I just felt so lost. I had all these resources and notes and in my mind, there was just chaos.

Now I have this “one spreadsheet to rule them all”. It was originally based on the grammar list from Bunpro and then I added page numbers from all the other resources that I’m using and any items that were missing on the original list. And as I study grammar points, I add my favorite explanations and example sentences to that list.

It is not perfect, especially because I can not easily paste pictures in there which I used to be able back when I was using Bear to organize my notes. But it forces me to be concise and having everything in one large list makes me believe that I will eventually be able to bring order to the chaos. I will definitely not be able to add examples and notes to everything before the July JLPT but it should be possible before the December one and I’ll just retake the test then.

Sample from my spreadsheet. Lots of typos because I started taking notes during lessons and never bother to fix them later on… :

This really helps me because I can scroll through it very quickly to refresh my memory and I fell like things have started to click better since I started doing this because I have a better grasp of which grammar points are available to study and which other similar grammar points exist.