I’m having trouble remembering which one to use for 日 and 月. I mean, the vocabulary part like 何日、何月、毎月、毎日、回日、回月、etc… Or, do I need to remember them by rote? I can’t memorize them by sound because I’m deaf. I know the meanings better than I do with the readings. I’m hoping if there’s a trick to know which to use?
Ah, I was afraid of that! But, I noticed that you haven’t completed your thought…
At any rate, I listed all of the moon and day related terms that I’ve learned so far. Now I can see that the majority of moon related terms use getsu and only one use gatsu (何月). As for day related terms, majority uses jitsu. Only two use nichi: 毎日 and 何日. This approach makes my life a little bit easier.
oh, to clarify, I’m not including those month and day of the month terms, just the following:
毎日 まいにち every day
先日 せんじつ the other day
平日 へいじつ weekdays
休日 きゅうじつ holiday
同日 どうじつ same day
何日 なんにち what day
今月 こんげつ this month
先月 せんげつ last month
毎月 まいげつ every month
何月 なんがつ what month
来月 らいげつ next month
@sagecedar in case you didnt notice, that was a link to mssmic’s post.
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