Japanese people sure seem to love complicated sentences, eh?

If milkshake = sex appeal, what about women who had mastectomy?

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A singular milkshake as opposed to ‘milkshakes’ gives it more of a ‘booty’ flavor IMHO. I don’t even want to know where you put the straw.

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This :stuck_out_tongue:

I just obtained a new found respect for you. <3


One of us is overthinking this, and it’s not me.


Right, because they are either real ice cream, or not. Simple.

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The only thing I could think of while reading that post:


This is actually a big theme of Cure Dolly’s Organic Japanese video series. Her main argument is that particles aren’t actually fuzzy; they just seem that way because Japanese verbs are a lot more versatile than Western verbs and do things with subjects and objects that don’t map very well onto Western grammar.

Of course, as others have pointed out, song lyrics are an area that actually has a lot of genuine fuzziness, because they’ll often drop particles or move them around in ways that don’t actually make grammatical sense to fit the music better.


Yeah, I know who


Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll check it out!

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