Japanese in one year?! - Not your usual study log

I don’t keep games on my devices. I am too addictive… I have to use a very loud, annoying alarm if I plan to engage in such an activity. :sweat_smile:


Yeah, that’s a good idea, games are poison for productivity… the worst thing is if they’re online on a website :sob:


I soooo understand this. I’ve put all of my video games on hold for a while. It’s so easy for me to get wrapped up in it. I’ve spent literally thousands of hours playing Animal Crossing. I just tell myself that when I’m a little further along in my studies, I can justify my game time as studying if I play in Japanese. I also have some Animal Crossing game guides in Japanese that I’m really looking forward to using :cherry_blossom:


That’s something I wanna try as well, playing games in Japanese, but not now :sweat_smile: I’ll give it a try in summer, when I only have to worry about Japanese.


When you give it a try, I highly recommend these ones:


Welp, I don’t have a Switch, nor Steam :sweat_smile: The only console I’m using to play games is my Nintendo 3DS…

I wanted to try to play through Mario & Luigi Dream Team Bros. because, as I already once said, my brother deleted my 100% file (R.I.P. 30000000000 hours of searching for beans) which means I have to make one again, and since I’ve already played through it (twice), I should be still somewhat familiar with the dialogs (although think I remember skipping some because they were like 200 hours lol, might be confusing that with another game, though).


Yeah, playing in Japanese something you’ve already played in your native language – is a great purractice! trunky_rolling


On to two more chapters of the TWC!

薬を飲んで (13 / 19)


(Lisa’s father:) この人たちは誰なんだい?

(Lisa:) 友達(ともだち)よ、パパ。これを飲んで。

(Lisa’s father:) ズ ズ

(Lisa:) さあ休んで。

(Lisa’s father:) :sleeping:

(Markus:) もう行かなきゃ。すぐに(もど)ってくる。

Lisa slowly woke up her father.

(Lisa’s father:) Who are these people?

(Lisa:) They are friends, papa. Drink this!

(Lisa’s father:) (Some onomatopoeia for drinking, no idea what that is in English :sweat_smile:)

(Lisa:) Well, rest.

(Lisa’s father:) :sleeping:

(Markus:) We have to go now. We’ll come back immediately.

野郎どもを殺そうぜ (14 / 19)


(Markus:) 来たぞ…野郎(やろう)どもはここにいる。

(Celestina:) その(はな)(かた)はなんなの?

(Markus:) えっと…

(Celestina:) アハハ。野郎(やろう)どもを(ころ)そうぜ!

The wolves were in a place not far from the house. (I saw in the image that it is more than one wolf, that’s why I’m using plural now, even though I used singular a few days ago)

(Markus:) They came… the bastards are here!

(Celestina:) What is that way of talking!? (My first thought as well lol)

(Markus:) Well…

(Celestina:) Ahaha! Let’s kill the bastards!


野郎(やろう) and 野郎(やろう)ども are frequent words in manga so it was funny to include them like that. Also I did not know what dialogue to write on this page !


Btw, @NeoArcturus さん、seeing how you are a very well-organyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaized purrson, here’s something that you might find useful:


My workload chart is working now, so I thought I’d share some stats of it, since I haven’t done that until now!

Here is it for an average over seven days:

Here for an average over 14 days:

And here for an average over one day, which is basically a graph version of the heat map:

Note: I didn’t have the heatmap until Dec 14th, so everything from Dec 1st and Dec 13th are just approximations that I manually entered into the heatmap, which is the reason why it is displaying everything there as Apprentice 1 reviews (and while I was doing that, I also accidentally added reviews that I didn’t actually do for Dec 31st, so I had to delete the data there and manually input an estimation as well).


Another day, another two chapters from the TWC!

一番の生徒 (15 / 19)


(Celestina:) (けん)での(たたか)(かた)上手(じょうず)になったね。

(Markus:) おかげさまで。よく練習(れんしゅう)()()ってくれたからな。

(Celestina:) もちろん、あなたは私の一番の生徒(せいと)よ。

(Markus:) ニコニコ

The two knocked them down completely before the wolves started to move.

(Celestina:) I became skilled at fighting with the sword as well!

(Markus:) Fortunately, because we often went out to practice!

(Celestina:) Of course, you are my best student!

(Markus:) smiling

レオの紹介 (16 / 19)


(Lisa:) マーカス、セレスティーナ!?どこにいってたの?

(Markus:) (おおかみ)もう大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)。いなくなった。

(Lisa:) 本当に!?ありがとう。パパを紹介(しょうかい)するわ。

(Lisa’s father:) レオだ。よろしく。

They returned to the cabin, and Lisa and her father with a healthy face were waiting.

(Lisa:) Markus, Celestina! Where did you go?

(Markus:) The wolves are no problem now. They disappeared.

(Lisa:) Really!? Thanks you! I will introduce my father!

(Lisa’s father:) I am Leo. Nice to meet you!

Today’s chapters were really hard (at least for me), so I probably messed up a bit lol


I don’t think you messed up too much :slight_smile:

Which part is it you found hard ?
This I guess : よく練習(れんしゅう)()()ってくれたからな

Given と is used I’d translate it to ‘When they returned to the cabin,’

This can be translated as ‘gone’. In that specific case it would be ‘they’re gone’.


Thanks for the corrections! :slight_smile:

Yes, but not only; this was the hardest part for me, but almost the entire first chapter was challenging lol

But, I like it if things are challenging, that gives me an even better feeling when I’m finished! :smile:


As I already announced a few days ago, I will try to translate an NHK “Normal” article, just to see how well prepared I am for them with a good chunk of N3 grammar under my belt! Feel free to tell me how bad I am :wink:

Original Article

(Link: ドミノ・ピザ 従業員の不適切行為動画で謝罪 法的措置も検討 鼻の穴に入れた指をピザ生地に | NHK | 兵庫県)

ドミノ・ピザ 従業員の不適切行為動画で謝罪 法的措置も検討

大手ピザチェーンの「ドミノ・ピザ ジャパン」は、兵庫県尼崎市の店舗で従業員による不適切な行為を撮影した動画がSNSに投稿されたとして謝罪しました。関わった従業員については法的な措置も検討中だとしています。

「ドミノ・ピザ ジャパン」によりますと、12日午前2時ごろ、兵庫県尼崎市の「ドミノ・ピザ 尼崎店」で、従業員による不適切な行為を撮影した動画がSNSに投稿され、拡散しました。






「ドミノ・ピザ ジャパン」は「皆様におかれましてはご不快な思いとご迷惑をおかけしましたこと、深くお詫び申し上げます。今後は全社をあげて再発防止と信頼回復に向けて全力で取り組んで参ります」とコメントしています。

Probably Very Bad Translation Attempt

ドミノ・ピザ 従業員の不適切行為動画で謝罪 法的措置も検討

(Oh my god, there are way to many nouns :joy:)

Video apology for inappropriate acts of employees from “Domino’s Pizza”: Investigation of legal actions as well

大手ピザチェーンの「ドミノ・ピザ ジャパン」は、兵庫県尼崎市の店舗で従業員による不適切な行為を撮影した動画がSNSに投稿されたとして謝罪しました。

“Domino’s Pizza Japan” from a major pizza chain company apologized for a video that filmed inappropriate acts of employees in a shop in Amasaki city, Hyōgo Prefecture, that was posted on SNS.


They are even investigating about taking legal steps about the concerned employees.

「ドミノ・ピザ ジャパン」によりますと、12日午前2時ごろ、兵庫県尼崎市の「ドミノ・ピザ 尼崎店」で、従業員による不適切な行為を撮影した動画がSNSに投稿され、拡散しました。

Accoding to “Domino’s Pizza Japan”, the video that was fliming the inappropriate acts of the employees in the “Domino’s Pizza Amasaki shop” in Amasaki City, Hyōgo Prefecture, at about 2 o’clock in the morning was posted on SNS and spread.


In the video, a similar appearence is projected that after the employees inserted the finger that used the glove into a nostril, they pushed against the material of the pizza.


The one that was photographed is a part-time employee of this shop.


Because the fermentation of the dough was finished beforehand, they replaced the rest without using it, and they are replacing all other materials that were in the shop as well.


The employees are saying against the information gathering of the company: “We did that just for fun. We regret it a lot!”


They received the discovery of the unappropriate acts and the company decided to suspend this shop, then, regarding the concerned employees,

  • in addition to a penalty that takes over their work regulations,
  • to also take legal steps under investigation.

「ドミノ・ピザ ジャパン」は「皆様におかれましてはご不快な思いとご迷惑をおかけしましたこと、深くお詫び申し上げます。今後は全社をあげて再発防止と信頼回復に向けて全力で取り組んで参ります」とコメントしています。

“Domino’s Pizza Japan” commented: “We deeply apologize in regards to everyone who had troubles and
unpleasent thoughts! From now one, we will raise the whole company and come to work with full effort hard to prevent the reoccurence of this and recover the trust.”

I won’t lie: That was quite a fight lol :joy: It took me about one hour to translate this text. I assume I messed up a lot :rofl:


I think you understood basically everything in that article! Congrats on your first “real” NHK article! :slight_smile:

Apart from some weird sounding English I think you understood it correctly :smiley:
“finger that used a glove” sounds kind of weird to me. 手袋をする is just “wearing gloves”. You have all these different verbs for different pieces of clothing, and for gloves and other accessories you use する.
And instead of “into a nostril” I would say their nostril :smiley:

生地は発酵が完了する前のもの is a bit tricky, but it basically means “the dough (in the video) was dough that wasn’t done fermenting yet”.
廃棄する means to dispose of, to throw out. “Replace” doesn’t quite fit here. They threw out all the dough in that store.

This was a difficult part. The two points are basically:
就業規則にのっとった処分 = Penalty in line with work regulations
(I don’t know if there are more specialized terms in English that you would use in this context)
You picked out the wrong のっとる here. It’s 則る = in line with (work regulations)

法的な措置も検討中 = They are investigating taking legal action as well. (They are thinking about taking them / seeing what actions they can take.)

Man the keigo struggle is real. I know you basically got this part, but just two small / nuance things:

Here, I feel like your translation is missing the かけました, the “we caused these unpleasant thoughts”.

Secondly, 全社をあげて I think the あげる is not really “raise” in that sense? I don’t even know what that would mean in English in this context. It’s more like “Combined as one”? If you need the jisho entry, it’s あげる definition 15.
I found a Japanese definition on Google saying it means 関係する人や力などを目的に向けて一つにまとめ結集する. So yeah, something along those lines.

But good job on your first NHK article, awesome work :slight_smile: also interesting article you picked there haha


Wow, I’m honestly impressed I had only so few mistakes! Looks like I can handle normal NHK better than the easy version :rofl: Thanks a lot for the corrections!

Thanks a lot! It went a lot better than I would have expected!

True lol, I stumbled across it through one of the posts by @nyxqueenofshadows in the read every day challenge thread (I’m definitely not stalking him :eyes:)


Oh, I just spotted another thing:

Since you’ve read the article you will now probably realize on your own that it’s not a „video apology“, but a „inappropriate acts video“ :slight_smile:


Ah yes, I didn’t realize that I should’ve corrected this, thanks :sweat_smile: It would then be more like “Apology because of inappropriate acts video of “Domino’s Pizza” - employees”, right?


Yep :+1:t2: