Japanese Assimil E-Course & Pronunciation

Hi everyone -

I’d like to improve on my pronunciation. When I was studying French, I used the Assimil e-course for pronunciation and I really enjoyed it. It involves listening to a conversation, then studying it, then replicating it while recording yourself each line and repeating until you sound like the speaker. It was really helpful for me.

I noticed that there is a Japanese e-course, and I’m wondering if anyone has used it. If you have, what was your experience? Were the conversation transcriptions in romaji or Japanese script? If you haven’t used it but have a recommendation for pronunciation study, I’d love to hear that too.

Thank you!


I don’t have experience with the one you are referring to, but I tried this one a few years ago and thought it was pretty good.

Japanese Pronunciation for Communication | edX


Interesting! I was actually thinking of taking that class. I don’t think there’s any speaking practice, but it still looks really useful.

Annnnd it starts today of all days! Wow - if that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is.


cough what is speaking😋
I pretty much never practiced speaking at all. But i recommend trying listening alot. It might also helps

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I joined Dogen’s patreon course: Dogen is creating Japanese pronunciation and pitch accent lessons | Patreon. He’s not a native speaker, but he is a deep student of Japanese pitch accent and phonetics, both in individual words and in sentences.

He’s also been revamping his lessons to include native speakers.

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I won’t be speaking any time soon, but I’ll be sure to check this course out when I start to practice. Cheers, bud!

Well that guy is hilarious. I just learned several things -

  1. I have a long way to go before I sound less like a textbook and more like a real person.
  2. The original Dragonball reference was actually over 8000?? Not 9000? Wow.

I’ll think about subscribing though. Do you think it’s helped with your pronunciation?

It has definitely helped me with hearing the accent in individual words. And, apparently it has helped with pronunciation, as I’ve gotten a couple of surprised looks (the good kind) from my teachers when I’ve managed to replicate their accents.

I scanned further to where he talks about sentences, but I haven’t put that into practice, yet. Nonetheless, from what I saw, I feel like it will help. I’m about to start the course from the beginning again, and really put each piece into practice, now that I’m at a point where I’m talking almost daily.

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