I just reached Level 5. I know I am just scratching the surface but I can’t believe I have made it this far. Learning Japanese and especially learning Kanji has always seems so impossible… BUT I am doing it!
Great work @masher81san
Looking forward to seeing you hit new levels
Congrats! I just hit level 7 today and I feel the same way. Learning kanji always seemed like such a daunting and impossible task, but with WaniKani it’s really fun
Congrats!! Just keep plugging away steadily, day by day, and you will surprise yourself at how far you can go. The human brain is made to learn, and as long as it gets practice doing something, it will surely begin to learn it. WaniKani (and other SRS systems, but especially WK’s use of mnemonics) is ‘just’ a tool that facilitates that natural learning process by providing some automatic structure to it. Very very convenient, but ultimately it’s your brain that’s doing this magic!
Congrats! No need to diminish this achievement. You’ve done what probably 99% of the people out there won’t: you started learning, and you kept showing up. Making it to level 5 is a big sign of that. Years ago I started learning Japanese and although the journey wasn’t quite like I imagined, it is definitely something that I’m very glad I started, and I plan to continue doing. I hope the language brings the same kind of joy and fulfillment to you as well. Just remember to enjoy yourself and keep celebrating your growth, no matter how small it may seem.
Thanks everyone!
What do you mean it’s not much?! I think’s it’s awesome and I was over the moon when I hit level 5 recently myself. So hurrah! Let’s celebrate! I think it’s well worth it!
Any progress is progress worth celebrating!! Congrats on your achievement, and let’s all continue to reach closer and closer to our goals!
“Dedicate your heart” aka shinzou o sasageyo
handing you the W you dropped
@masher81-san, you are my inspiration! I just made it to level 3 after too many starts and stops. And I think, oh my goodness, I’d love to be at level 5! I will someday join @masher81! So glad you are sticking to it and enjoying the learning process.
Congrats from a fellow LVL5-er! Let’s keep working at it
congratulations, your doing great!
Welcome!! And congratulations on getting as far as you have. Don’t worry about pausing - go at the pace that works for you
Thank you! I’m finally learning to enjoy it rather than berating myself for when I get things wrong. That’s the key - leaning into my wins! Thank you so much for the warm welcome.
You’re doing great! The hardest part is starting something new and fighting through the new habit. Well done!
Good job my friend! I did the same a couple days ago!
Good for you! Keep at it! It’ll get more and more rewarding as you go along. You’ll be amazed!
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