Okay, so I just used Jisho.org for a word that didn’t make sense for me “sedge”.
The thing is that I don’t find Wanikani’s reading(suga) on Jisho…is it normal? An extra reading or just a typo?(because there is “suge” which is close).
Add to that the fact that this Kanji doesn’t seem so useful…
It’s one of those kanji that is quite frequently found in last names.
Most notably (for me at least), Chief Cabinet Secretary of the Japanese Government, ‘number 2’ to Prime Minister Abe is named Suga Yoshihide or 菅義偉. You should be able to find it as one of the ‘nanori’ readings.
Yeah, it’s one of a handful of kanji that are on WaniKani as kanji only and not as vocab, possibly because of their frequent use in proper nouns and no other reason.