I have a problem with "juken" app, anyone is using it?

Hi, I’ve been using Juken app for my reviews for a long time without problems.
Today, after I took a break for 10 days, I couldn’t read some of the Kanji and it turned out that Juken was asking the onyomi reading that I had never learnt, because on wanikani only the kunyomi was taught in the reading mnemonic.
It happened with “hot”, “formal name ender”, “lightweight” and a few more.
I’m now worried about how many more I will encounter, and confused on how to study the onyomi readings when wanikani doesn’t provide examples…
Or should I find another app to replace juken? Any suggestions?
Thank you

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WaniKani actually does provide both on’yomi and kun’yomi, only not in lessons.
The reading you learn with the kanji – is the most popular reading.
Usually, it’s on’yomi, but sometimes, like in the examples you’ve specified – it’s kun’yomi.
Other readings are tought via vocab.
You can also look at the kanji’s page on WK and see all the readings it has – both on’yomi and kun’yomi. Although, to be fair, sometimes, some really rare readings are omitted there as well, so you would only find them on jisho.org. But those are only really rare readings, so they shouldn’t pose a problem.

So, my advice is that whenever you learn kanji, you go to that kanji’s page on WK and see what other readings it has.
Sorry, maybe, it’s not a good advice, but I’m just a small clumsy cat trunky_rolling

Anyway, best of luck with your studies! wricat


There seems to be a bug in the Wanikani API right now that causes some Kanji to not accept the correct reading if the Kun’yomi is the preferred reading.

This is also causing issue with the app I am using, so it’s not specific to Juken.

I’m writing a bug report to Wanikani team atm, hopefully it gets fixed.


Thank you so much for this information. I’m going to write too.

OHHH! I use Smoldering Durtles and experienced this today with one of my kanji reviews today, it was 𠮟 (On: しつ, Kun: しか). I typed しか and it was mad at me, and I didn’t know the On’yomi so I had to look at it to redo the question since WK only taught the Kun’yomi at that point. Thanks for explaining that! If it helps, here’s my video of it:
