Is it good, to keep making This Context List Of The Kanjis I learn in WK, for Anki as a seperate deck?

Good day. I just started with Wanikani as my brother, who is also doing Wanikani, recently reached level 50. He motivated me to learn the Kanji in detail now and recommended WK, which I really enjoy. I am currently at level 3 and am almost finished. However, when I see the context examples with sentences below, I put them in a notepad in a special format to practice reading them later on. I also add them to Anki later using a specific typing system I created for that deck. I have to type in both the Japanese and English readings for what I am learning as the Kanji reading. it is in this format:

市がおこなう - “the city carries something out”
市がつくる - “the city creates something”
市がとりくむ - “the city undertakes something”
Context Sentences:
マニラ市の人口はどのくらいですか? - “What is the population of Manila City?”
市のウェブサイトをチェックして下さい。 - “Please check out the city’s website.”
ひこね市のゆるキャラは、「ひこにゃん」です。 - “Hikone City’s yuruchara is ‘Hikonyan.’”

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I personally wouldn’t recommend using WaniKani’s example sentences for reading practice or to understand the nuance of the words. They’re often weird, use slang, feature advanced kanji (some of which aren’t even on WaniKani!) and they don’t always showcase the primary meaning of the word that’s taught by WK.

When I want to see a particular word in context I personally prefer using jisho, for instance: 市#sentences -

But in general I don’t worry too much about this, another weakness of WK’s vocab is that it’s a bit all over the place when it comes to how useful and common it is, you’ll often get very common words mixed with much rarer ones, as such it’s probably not worth it to obsess about memorizing every single word taught here. I treat WK vocab as kanji practice, nothing more.

I find that the best way to find good context sentences is simply to mine them yourself in the content that you read. For instance 及び is taught on WK but the meaning is a bit unexpected coming from the kanji, so I have trouble remembering it. But the other day I found that word used in a game I played, so I made an entry in my Anki deck with that sentence which is a lot more meaningful and memorable to me than random pre-made context-less sentences.

And this way I don’t waste time drilling words I won’t have any use for in the short term.


Ask your bro yet?

Normally, I would rather recommend sentences with bigger context that aren’t necessarily the language, like picture books or anime.

But to still be a dictionary, a good quality and relatively easy to use resource is EJJE Weblio

I wouldn’t bother with this. I often don’t even bother reading them for the reasons @simias described.

Here is an example of a level 30 vocab I just learned:
WaniKani / Vocabulary / 押す

There is only one meaning: to push
There is only one context sentence:
すみません。今朝タイムカードを押し忘れちゃったんですが、どうすればいいですか? I’m sorry, I forgot to punch my timecard this morning. What should I do?

Even though it is one of the meanings/nuances of the word, how does this help you with the meaning to push? Why not have a sentence like 出火のときはそのボタンをお押してください (In case of fire, push the button)?

Another level 30 I just learned:
WaniKani / Vocabulary / 越権

Meaning: Overstepping your authority, overstep one’s authority, overstepping one’s authority.
Context sentence: お巡りさん、差し出がましいようですがそれは越権行為では無いでしょうか。Officer, I’m afraid you are overstepping your bounds.

Does it make any sense to anyone that there is only provided sentence and that sentence for a level 30 Kanji has a level 35 Kanji (為) and a level 40 (巡) Kanji? To add to this madness, I failed an answer because WK doesn’t accept “overstepping your bounds” as a meaning for this word, even though it’s literally translated as that in the only context sentence provided.

You will be much better off adding sentences that you find in your readings or from jisho instead.

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