Is grounding kids a thing in Japan?

I saw the phrase “you’re grounded” earlier and it got me thinking about how you’d translate that to Japanese, which made me wonder whether the concept even exists in Japan. Punishing kids by making them stay at home/in their room? Maybe, but is there even a word for it or is it just “my parents are mad so they said I can’t go out”? I feel like this is one of those things where there’s no Japanese equivalent. Does anyone know if it’s a thing?


外出禁止 seems to exist as an expression

It may overlap to other things besides grounding children though.


There was a scene in A Silent Voice where a character got suspended from school, and as a result were not supposed to leave the house even to pick up their kid sister from the park. Not sure if there’s a parental equivalent.


Somehow, I keep reading the “grounding” as “grinding” (doesn’t help that the past tense of “grind” is “ground”)…

Behave or be ground into a fine powder!

Such a scary thought :sweat_smile:


Lol I’m reminded of an early episode of Sailor Moon where Usagi gets a really bad grade on an exam and her mom locks her out of the house. Total opposite response/punishment. :laughing: