[iOS] Mobile AlliCrab for WaniKani

My AlliCrab has also stopped working (error when fetching). Well, I can still do lessons/reviews, but the number of lessons/reviews just keeps increasing.

I really hope that AlliCrab can be fixed and distributed once again on the App Store… (I have tried other WK-based apps, but still prefer AlliCrab.)

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Thanks for the info. I guess I’ll wait and see what can be done. For now I’ll use Tsurukame as @Ranchan suggested.


Don’t we all :pensive:

The review notifications are extremely useful, and are a big reason why I’m able to keep up with my reviews without accidentally letting them pile up.

I may look into starting a server-driven WK push notification system soon, considering I specialize in NodeJS development. There are many ways to do it without creating a distributable third-party WK app (which Apple is clearly not fond of), but I wouldn’t expect anything any time soon.

EDIT: https://pushed.co/ seems pretty nifty, if I can convince them for free licensing as an open source project.


Yeah not working in my iPhone neither. It says


Having the same issue (“The data couldn’t be read because it is missing”) since this morning. Not sure whether it might be related to the fact that I recently updated to iOS 13, but I did that during the weekend and yesterday the app was working normally. Tried to log out, delete and re-install the app only to notice that it had disappeared from the App Store.

Switching to Tsurukame until this is fixed, but I do prefer using AlliCrab…

There was an API update yesterday which I suspect may have broken it :frowning: sad - I only just switched to AlliCrab for my reviews a few weeks ago.

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Began after software update this morning PST.
Thank you for your excellent app.

Hi all,

I’ve been using (and loving) the AlliCrab app for the last month or so on iOS 13.1.2.
Today for the first time it won’t update when I finish lessons and reviews.
I keep getting the error message “Failed to update. The data couldn’t be read because it is missing.”
I’ve tried logging out and back in, switching my phone off and even uninstalling and then reinstalling AlliCrab.
Several other users are having the same issue.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!


Same here. 9:11pm Europe time…

I hope we can still get an update via TestFlight…

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I don’t think it’s the API update. I would expect the old API to keep working while WK is around. In fact, I have a small application that relies on the old API, and it’s still working.

When it comes to AlliCrab, the problem must be somewhere else…?

That depends on how it’s written. The WK devs removed an item from one of its data structures. If AlliCrab simply expects that item to always be there, without having some sort of fallback in case it’s missing, then an error like “The data couldn’t be read because it is missing.” makes a lot of sense.

Once the V2 API is out of beta and officially stable and released, app devs can avoid this by using the versioning on the API, but for now it’s all beta and subject to change at any time.

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As with everyone else, it stopped working on my iphone. I hope this can be fixed.

@cplaverty where areeee youuuuuu??


Hey all, workaround and warnings:

  1. If you log out and back in you can still click on review and lessons to continue them but the main data page won’t update with how many, but after you start you can see the remaining in the top right like always. This works because it’s just a shell-browser that runs the HTML from the actual sight even though the data display is messed up.
  2. After logging out and back in, fix your settings again before you continue.
  3. Don’t delete the app thinking you can download again to fix things! It is currently unavailable from the app store!!

Hope it gets fixed soon!!


Surely caused by this because the issues started around that time and I’ve been running ios 13.1.2 since it came out. My guess is the structure of the response data changed and Allicrab is erroring trying to parse it into its own internal structure.

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As many have surmised, the recent change in the WaniKani v2 API is causing AlliCrab to fail. I was intentionally strict in the parsing of data from the API, which is causing the unfortunately vague error message when a property which was indicated to always be present is missing. (In any case, the app uses the resurrected property which was removed.)

This will require a code change to fix, and unfortunately as I have previously mentioned on this thread I am not able to release new versions of the app. So rather than leaving a broken version on the store, I have decided to remove it.

Thank you all for your support these past four years.


Oh man - I’m sad to hear this . But thank you so much for making the app in the first place, it was brilliant :slight_smile: ありがとうございました


giphy https://media0.giphy.com/media/8vUEXZA2me7vnuUvrs/giphy.gif?cid=19f5b51a2a33e1dc5280d804479b93208cbfe0a3b60420de&rid=giphy.gif


Thank you for making AlliCrab. Your app was the reason why I picked an iPhone when my android broke but now that it’s gone, I may just go back the next time I upgrade. It was the best! :heart: