Dues anyone do this: learn all the radicals and kanji in order to level up but only learning the vocabulary you want to learn and leaving the vocab you don’t want to learn in the lesson queue? The idea of doing this is in my head at the moment. The ultimate aim would be to learn all the vocab i’ve left up to this point when i reach level 60 and don’t have any more other lessons to do
I just wondered if this would be a good way to lessen the amount of reviews i have to do at the moment without slowing down on the levelling up and also prolonging the enjoyment of wanikani by still having lots of vocab lessons to do after i reach level 60.
I know learning the vocab helps you reinforce the kanji and by doing it this way i might not be saving myself any time if i am repeatedly having to learn unreinforced kanji. But aside from that any thoughts and comments about this approach are appreciated.