I wish there was a way to bias when reviews will drop

We all lead busy lives, well most I imagine. There are times in the day when I can afford to do Wanikani reviews and times when I cannot, and I yet I have to work around the random WK schedule. Will I wake up to 150 reviews again? Will I have another free hour at lunch with just a handful of reviews?

I know this is SRS and there’s logic behind it, but I’d like it a whole lot more if I could push and pull it. Tell WK when I have time and when I don’t.


The reviews for an item come back at the time of day when you last did a review for that item, minus one hour, so if you did your review for 木 at say 14:35 then 木 will come back at 13:00 the next time. You don’t have to do them all at once. Good luck:)


*For Apprentice 3 and above. :slightly_smiling_face: