I have a dark theme installed and certain radicals are a different color. Why?

This probably doesn’t matter that much, but I put on a dark theme a while back, and certain radicals will appear as a different color then others. It doesn’t really affect anything about using WaniKani, but I was curious to know if there was something different about these radicals? They aren’t different colors normally. (This shows up on reviews as well)

Not all radicals have a text character; some are images, and those won’t be touched by a dark theme.


Ah, I hadn’t thought of that. Makes sense. So I’m guessing that the radicals which aren’t a kanji on their own are the ones that are different?

Some radicals on WaniKani are made up and as such aren’t part of standard unicode. For the most part these are the ones that use an image instead of text.


I’m not 100%, but I’d expect any non-kanji, and non-official radicals to stay white.

覀 isn’t a kanji for example, but it still exists somewhere in Unicode because it’s a non-wanikani radical, so there’s a character for it.


I’m a little late, but you can add the following rule to your user style and it will make the radical images dark:

.radical-image {
    filter: brightness(0.15);   

It should work on most modern browsers, and yeilds pretty good looking results:

The “Chinese” radical there is an image. It looks a little blurry here but I think it stands out less than being the wrong colour. And the bigger versions on other pages look fine:

EDIT: I just realized there is a Unicode character for 𦰩, I wonder why it’s an image on WK… It is though so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Wow, thanks! I’ll have to try that out when I get a chance.

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