Thank you for your thoughts and additional resources - it’s highly appreciated! I actually didn’t know any of these, so really helpful. I’ll check them out and try to incorporate them into my learning plan if they appear helpful to me
This is the only resource I stumbled upon when searching about how to work with Genki, and he has a video on it, but makes so much advertisement for his payed content (on every aspect he mentioned), that I was rather annoyed. That video could have been at least half the lenght if you had cut all of that out. But I’ll for sure give it a try - maybe his regular videos are much better?
Yes, for sure - we are all different in the ways we can learn, in the things that interests us while learning Japanese and in the time and effort we want to put into this, as well as the goals we want to achieve. Still I always find it a good starting point to see what others do, to get inspired by the things others have tried out, and to learn from their experience. Sometimes, hearing someone “badmouthing” things that I believe work for me, make me believe in them much more (because I can find counter arguments on every point they make), and sometimes it’s the opposite and it’ll make me think and see all the flaws. Same for the positive approach. That’s why I called this thread “proposal” - this is not for everyone, it’s not perfect, it’s not the one true way to do things. But maybe someone will find any one thing helpful - either because they can incorporate it, or because they see all the flaws in it and by that know what they never want to do If just one other person finds this helpful, it was worth writing down. And if not: I needed some written account for myself anyways - to have a plan and to compare myself against this plan.
I’ll keep you posted on how it works out, in the end - changes to the plan I’ll post in this thread - my private progress you’ll find here.